Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby Boo: 11 Weeks + National Running Day

Today is National Running Day. I've been so excited all day long about going for a run. I headed to the gym around 7pm and did a 10 minute warm up on the Elliptical...then I was ready. I got on the treadmill and immediately felt this awful side stitch. I tried to run through it, thinking it would go away. It didn't. In fact, it got worse. Just 1 minute and 27 seconds into my "run," I had to walk. I thought maybe if I walked a couple of minutes it would get better. NO. I left the gym so frustrated.
Baby Boo is the size of a:
Are you serious?! It went from a prune to a lime in one week! Insane.
I can't believe this, but the crappy symptoms I've felt for several weeks are getting better! My nausea is less frequent (which is amazing) and I'm not getting headaches everyday. My body is still pretty fatigued and my back has been my enemy for a couple of days! Overall, SO MUCH BETTER.
I know it's still so early in the pregnancy, but me and the family are so excited. I already received my first gift in the mail:
Our crib mattress! My parents bought us a crib and mattress. The crib will be arriving next week!
Finally, I've noticed I've been extra emotional the last couple of days. I haven't actually cried but everything makes me feel like I want to cry! Hehehe. It's kinda funny.

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