Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Pig to Hoka: Can I Even Run Fast?!

Pig to Hoka: Can I Even Run Fast?!

Snuggles with my lady love.

For the first time in my running life, I haven't run 10 bazillion races per month. I went from running Indy Monumental at the beginning of November to running Carmel at the end of March. After that, it was 5 weeks until Pig...all marathons. I haven't run a shorter race since the Granville 5k I did at the beginning of October. I'm not sure why...I just didn't. Because of that, I'm scared out of my mind to run this 10k. I don't even know if I can run fast anymore. I might actually die on June 3rd.

I like the thought of a 10k PR. I've only raced two 10k's in my lifetime (I did the Columbus 10k back in 2014...a few months after having James. I also ran a July 4th 10k in Hilliard in 2015.). My current PR is 46:20 which isn't awful, but I do believe I can do better than that...eventually. I just can't imagine running anything fast right now.

Whether I like it or not, I have 4 weeks between Pig and Hoka to recover and get my mind into 10k mode.

  • 5/7: 2.2 walking miles, 15:08/mile; Chest/Back workout, 40 minutes. Post marathon recovery included a gorgeous walk on a sunny day. I followed that up with a lift session. Lifting was tough today! I didn't realized how fatigued my entire body was from running Flying Pig.
    I started a new yoga challenge this week called "Cosmic Yogis." I thought this was a fun pic of one of the poses.
  • 5/8: 4.54 miles, 10:20/mile; Bis/Tris/Stability, 1 hour. I decided to join my friend, LB, and her friend, Laura, for some easy local miles. I had no idea if my legs would even work, so I was slightly nervous to get out there. Although slow, we survived to see another day. Bonus: no post marathon pain.
  • 5/9: 4 miles, 9:20/mile; Back/Glute workout, 50 minutes. I joined Sarah for her speed workout except I didn't do the speed part. She smoked my ass. I was incredibly fatigued and dreaming of a rest day.
    My crop came in! Sometimes you have to buy things for yourself.
  • 5/10: Yoga, 45 minutes. I was fo sho going to rest from running today. I found a yoga balance video to do at the gym. I followed that up with some handstand practice.
    Pics like this make me feel strong because I couldn't always do this!
  • 5/11: 5.01 miles, 8:36/mile; Leg workout, 1 hour. I'm calling this a speed workout. LOL. My local running group had their monthly donut run. Amanda and I set off for 5 miles of an unknown purpose. I was still feeling the marathon fatigue and thought my legs were going to fall off. Despite this, it was enjoyable catching up with my friend in person.
    My dear friend. [Amanda, ME]
    After the fam left the house that morning, I did lots of cleaning and followed that up with a leg workout. I saw a picture of me on the Flying Pig course, and my legs looked disgustingly skinny. I guess that motivated me to do more leg workouts. I'm tired of looking skinny.
    When I look down at my legs, I don't feel like they look that skinny. When I see my running pics, it completely ruins whatever image I have in my head about myself. UGH. I just want to look strong.

  • 5/12: 10.01 miles, 9:46/mile. I needed to stay close to home in order to make it to my church's Ladies Breakfast. I met up with Meg and Amy in New Albany for a little 10 miler. The run felt amazing! My legs appreciated taking it easy.
    Miles with Meg.
    Later that day, I had a small party for my friends who like yoga. It was called Inversions and Infusions. We spent some time drinking wine and making alcohol infusions. We followed that up with some yoga practice.
    Partay! [Sarah, Meg, ME, Ily, Britt]

    Strawberry Basil Vodka and Pineapple Jalapeno Tequila.
  • 5/13: Chest/Shoulder, 45 minutes. Well, Mother's Day blew. I'm just glad I had a good Saturday. If I could have traded Saturday and Sunday, I would have had a great Mother's Day. Unfortunately, I didn't get the run I had in mind, but I was able to get in a rushed lift sesh at The Y while the kiddos were in child watch.
    This was fun to practice. I was trying to make up a standing balance for the challenge theme "lunar standing balance." I was trying to look like a crescent moon.
    James wanted to get in on the action with his tree pose.


I think recovery week went well. I wanted a few more miles, but I suppose I'll be thankful for the ones I did get. I got in a lot more lifting which was a nice change. This coming week, I'm going to try to be a little more organized. I will throw in some speed work to prep for my 10k and do a long run of no more than 12-13 miles (advice from CRC's Evan). We'll see if a little speed work convinces me that I can run faster miles. The thought makes me want to barf.

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