Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Carmel Week 7: From Tired to Dead Tired

From Tired to Dead Tired

A yoga first! Side crow pose.

Last week's weather postponed my long run to Sunday. Because that run included some snow, I was more sore than I'm used to dealing with after a long run. I hopped into this week not feeling as rested as usual. By the time Wednesday rolled around, I was whooped! It took a lot of mental power to get through my Wednesday run knowing that I'd get a running rest day on Thursday. I just needed to pick a cross training activity that didn't tire out my legs! FAIL. Even though my yoga workout focused more on core and upper body, you can't really avoid working your legs. I felt like complete crap during my long run. Just a tough week overall.

  • 1/8: 6 miles, 9:07/mile. Hill surge day. I forget the situation outside, but I don't run on the treadmill for fun, so it must have been stupid out there. I set the treadmill to a stupid easy pace for most of this run. I WAS TIRED! When I got to the last 10 minutes of my run, I incorporated my 10 hill surges by increasing the incline. I left this run wondering how I'd survive speed the next day. 
  • 1/9: 8.91 miles, 8:10/mile. Icy roads and track took me to the mill again. I don't mind risking it for an easy run, but not when speed is on the plan. One of these days, I'll be able to do my track workout on an actual track. Workout: 10 min up, 9x800m w/400m recovery, 10 min down. I was instructed to run the 800s in 3:38. The closest treadmill setting was a 7:13/mile pace, so I went with that. It wasn't as horrible as anticipated considering how I felt the day before. I was still tired going into it, but I tolerated the workout well.
    Post run smoothie, y'all.
  • 1/10: 8 miles, 9:17/mile; Bis/Tris, 30 minutes. Jesus take the wheel...or my running legs. I was so freaking tired when I woke up. Not as much sleepy as fatigued. I knew it would take all the mental power I had to will myself through 70 minutes of running. I'm glad I had some buddies to help me through it. I was motivated by the increased temps. Although, dressing for today confused me since I've gotten used to triple layers! Today called for all easy miles...thank goodness. There was only one section that was slightly slick, and our only near death experience was at the beginning. It involved a coon....CREEPY!!!
    A not as cold morning.
  • 1/11: Core Yoga Video, 50 minutes. Cross training day. I wanted to give my poor legs a break after putting in a lot of miles the past four days. I opted for a yoga workout that focused more on upper extremity and core. Gosh it had me sweating!
    This was a pretty tough pose to hold!
  • 1/12: 18 miles, 9:16/mile. About that long run (insert all the eye rolls). I told my pals that it felt like mile 22 of a marathon...but for 18 miles. Here's the situation. Columbus was supposed to get the crazy ice/snow storm Friday night, and the temps were drastically going to drop from the mid/high 50s to the 20s. WTF. Because of this, I decided it would be a good idea to get my long run out of the way. It was 57 degrees when I woke up! Shorts weather, baby!! I met Sarah at 5:30 a.m., and we set off for 6 miles before coming back for Brittaney. I was unusually tired when we started. I figured it was all in my head because Coach wanted me to try a carb depleted run. I was so freaking hungry. I tried to forget about how I felt assuming I was being mental. I think the humidity was a factor also. I quickly stripped to my sports bra because I was dripping in sweat. After the first 6 miles, I knew this wasn't going to be a good situation. I was toast already! How in the heck was I going to finish 12 more miles?! I felt so famished that I took a gel when we dropped her off after 10 miles. I was hoping it would help me in some form or fashion. IT. DID. NOTHING. O.K...8 more miles. I can do this. Up to this point the predicted rain held off. There were spotty drops here and there, but nothing significant. When Britt and I sat off for the rest, I got to the point that I had to stop for a few seconds. I just couldn't will myself to keep going. I ended up telling Brittaney to go ahead of me. I knew that I felt worse holding her back. She was kind enough to oblige to my request. At this point, I had run about 13 miles. My goal for the rest of the run was to turn my watch off of the pace setting so that I wasn't tempted to look, and then take the run one mile at a time. If I could make it through a mile, I gave myself permission to stop a few seconds and stretch. My freaking hips were so tight. It felt so good to give them a little stretch. I spent the next 4 miles trying my best to enjoy the misty sports bra run. As I approached 17 miles, I thought I might actually pass out. I prayed like never before that something would change. Seconds later, the sky opened, the rain started pouring down, and the wind was out of control. It felt like the temperature dropped in a matter of a minute. I stopped to put my t-shirt back on and made my way to my van. Normally I wouldn't like this change in the weather, but the rain and wind made it cold enough that my body went numb and I couldn't feel my pain! LOL. My last mile was 30+ seconds faster than the previous solo miles because I just wanted to be done. I went home, showered, made breakfast, and spent the next two hours drinking coffee, stretching, and relaxing. UGH. So glad that's over.
    Look how much I slowed down after 13!
  • 1/13: Stability and chest workout, 30 minutes. Because my legs felt like crap yesterday, I saved my stability exercises for today. I added some chest exercises after finishing those. It made for a nice gym date with the hubs.
  • 1/14: 6.3 miles, 9:41/mile. When I saw the weather forecast for today, I knew the right person to call. Katie mentioned to me recently that she loves a cold, sunny run. We planned a post-church run party with a special appearance by Noemi. I used the snow covered roads as an opportunity to try out my new yak trax.
    Post run selfie with my lady love.


Side note: I don't want you guys to think I've been slacking on my strengthening. Zach incorporates a lot of leg and core training into my workouts. I just don't bore you with the details! Fortunately, it allows for me to focus more on upper extremity strengthening when I have a chance to lift...which is hopefully helping with my yoga!

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