Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pig to Hoka: It's Hot as Balls Outside

Pig to Hoka: It's Hot as Balls Outside

Pincha Practice.

I have no idea what happened to the week. This will not be my best recap because I'm doing it all in one sitting. Maybe a shot of the delicious pineapple jalapeno tequila will help make things interesting. BRB....


  • 5/14: 6.54 miles, 8:58/mile; 1 walking mile; Haley's Bis/Tris, 1 hour; I opted for sleep and ran after work in the blazing heat. Just me, the sun, and the asshole geese.
    Sunset side planks.
  • 5/15: After a week of marathon recovery, I'm getting back to some speed workouts. I haven't had that feeling of death in a while. This week wasn't too horrible, but enough to make my legs tired the next day. Workout: 4 up, 12x1 minute faster than goal 10k pace with 1 minute recovery, 1 down. I ran my intervals at 7:03/mile. I didn't feel awesome, but I didn't feel horrible either. I need to do more of this crap.
    I need to get faster. I've become a turtle.
  • 5/16: 5 miles, 9:02/mile; Tacy's Shoulder workout and Z's Stability, 1 hour. Another hot run on the bike trail around the gym. I was so tired from yesterday. So lame. I followed that up with one of my favorite lift sessions to make me feel better.
  • 5/17: Chest/Back workout, 1 hour; Yoga balance workout, 30 minutes. I decided I needed a rest day from running since I was going to run long on Friday. I worked my two favorite muscle groups and followed it up with a yoga practice for my legs.
    Headstand ab work.
  • 5/18: 12.01 miles, 9:15/mile. Officially a piece of crap. I was so incredibly fatigued. It was the heat, humidity, and yesterday's yoga workout. My only motivation was the coffee waiting for me at home.
    Home alone!!! Run, Yoga, Tequila...what more could a woman ask for?!
  • 5/19: 5.11 miles, 8:58/mile. A sweet new friend, Mindy, was as excited as I was about the royal wedding. She agreed to meet me at my house before it started so that we could get a handful of miles. Then I watched my boyfriend marry the woman of his dreams. It was quite lovely.
    I bought this $1.99 headband just for this occasion!

    Kisses from my boy.

    James also dressed for the occasion.
  • 5/20: Bis/Tris, 50 minutes. I was in the zone today, people...sweating off all of that stress. I wish I had taken pics when I started to lift regularly. It would be awesome to see my progress. I decided to snap a pic of my bis and tris today.
    Badass gym momma.




I'm soaking in this decreased mileage the next week. Marathon #10 training starts on Memorial Day! I'm anxiously awaiting June 10th when I should find out about the Sister Cities Marathon Exchange that I applied for. If I am chosen (which is not likely because I typically don't get chosen for things...LOL), I will run the Dresden Marathon in Germany in October and hopefully Boston next April! If I don't get chosen, I'll race a half in the fall and train for Boston (if my 3:10 difference gets me in...EEK). After that, I shall retire from the marathon for at least a year...or half of a year. I haven't decided. I do know that I will never be able to focus on my other goals if I don't take a marathon break. I want  5k, 10k, and half PRs. Is that too much to ask?!

My apologies for being so boring this week. My brain cell supply has been sucked dry.

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