Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby Boo: 15 Weeks

Baby Boo is the size of a "navel orange."
Thebump.com says the little one is squirming a lot but I don't feel anything yet! I'm still taking bump pics every Friday morning. I think I'll be brave and share one with you. I know the whole world doesn't look at my blog so I won't be sharing this one on Facebook or anything! Here's a 10 week vs. 15 week picture:
I'm starting to round out a little bit! This whole process is so insane to me!
One of my goals during this pregnancy is to do as much as I can in the beginning so that I'll have less to do when I don't feel like doing it! With that being said, Mr. Boo and I put the crib together yesterday! My parents were gracious enough to make this purchase for us. They bought it in black (like we wanted) even though my mom thought it was a weird choice :) Here is the finished product:
Yes, that is a Razorback sign in the background. I promise it's not part of the baby room décor...although it should be :) Woo Pig Sooie! (Is it football season yet?!)
I need to give another shout out to my sister-in-law, Amy. I was researching infant car seats and strollers and found out that Amy and Chris are wanting to sell theirs for a great price! I'm so thankful for all of the money that I'm able to save. The more I save now, the longer I get to stay home with Baby Boo before returning to work!
Speaking of work, I had to get another job because I was cut to part time (this story is full of a lot more drama but those closest to me already know that part so I won't share it publicly). I start my new full time job next Thursday and, here's the good news....
I might be getting a little bit of pay during maternity leave!!!!
It's not some insane amount but it's better than zero and I'm so thankful for this turn of events.

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