Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Friday, April 26, 2013

Challenging Myself

I go to hip hop fitness every Monday night. Every once in a while they do two hour sessions to raise money for various organizations. They did one last week AND this week. On top of that, they are doing another one next week! I was a trooper the first week but had a rough time this past week. I just felt fatigued (I've been sick since last Tuesday).
Ok, I need to refocus...back to running.

This past week, my goal was to increase my pace slightly since my knee seems to be healed. I wasn't sure how it would go since I've been sick (my body seems to slow down when I get sick). The challenge started last Thursday when I ran outside for the second time this season. I was so stinkin' hot outside (85 degrees) but I was dying to get out there. I did 4 miles at a 9:19 pace...pretty good for sick and hot! (P.S. I probably won't let myself run in that heat again...dangerous.)
Tuesday, I had a tempo run on the schedule and decided to do it at the gym. I really wanted my pace to be consistent so I hit up the treadmill to see how my knee would respond to increased pace. Workout: 35 minute tempo run...20 min of which I ran at 8:57 pace. The pace felt great but I had these crazy side stitches during mile 2.
Wednesday was a 4 miler that I wanted to try and run at the same pace as last Thursday's 4 miler. I think my pace was 9:21. It was raining pretty hard that day so I ran on the treadmill. After a warm up jog for a few minutes I did the pattern of switching between 6.4 and 6.5 every three minutes. I had side stitches AGAIN during the 2nd mile.
Finally, yesterday, I only had to do three miles. I probably could have run outside but I'm a weenie when it comes to cold weather and it was a little chilly outside (excuses, excuses). This was my favorite workout this week...why? Because I decided to add some incline to make things more interesting. My pace was 9:31 (6.3 on the treadmill). I wanted to keep it at the same pace and just change up the incline. Miles 1 & 3, I put the incline at 1.0. On mile 2, it was at 1.5. It's amazing the difference you feel by adding a little incline. (I want you all to pause and count how many times I typed incline in that paragraph).
Today is supposed to be a rest day (I will rest from running) but I'm going to mow the yard. In my opinion, mowing is a form of cross training! I will probably also do my hip/core exercises.
Happy Friday everyone!

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