Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Week in Pictures

I really want to write a blog post but feel like I have nothing to write about at the moment. So, I decided to take the random phone pics I took this week and tell you about 'em!
I bought some new running shorts!
We dogsat this cute pup, Gambit. Izzie liked him but Angel wasn't a fan!
All three dogs looking out the window. This is the closet Angel got to Gambit without yelping!
Angel's birthday was Friday...3 years old! She looks thrilled.

I didn't want Izzie to feel left out.
Ok...enough dog pics.
We went to my mother-in-law's to get Mr. Boo's car and check on her dog. I saw this horse in her living room and couldn't resist!

On my way to church!

The pretty flowers in front of my house (no thanks to me...whatever blooms is what the previous owners planted!).

Friday, April 26, 2013

Challenging Myself

I go to hip hop fitness every Monday night. Every once in a while they do two hour sessions to raise money for various organizations. They did one last week AND this week. On top of that, they are doing another one next week! I was a trooper the first week but had a rough time this past week. I just felt fatigued (I've been sick since last Tuesday).
Ok, I need to refocus...back to running.

This past week, my goal was to increase my pace slightly since my knee seems to be healed. I wasn't sure how it would go since I've been sick (my body seems to slow down when I get sick). The challenge started last Thursday when I ran outside for the second time this season. I was so stinkin' hot outside (85 degrees) but I was dying to get out there. I did 4 miles at a 9:19 pace...pretty good for sick and hot! (P.S. I probably won't let myself run in that heat again...dangerous.)
Tuesday, I had a tempo run on the schedule and decided to do it at the gym. I really wanted my pace to be consistent so I hit up the treadmill to see how my knee would respond to increased pace. Workout: 35 minute tempo run...20 min of which I ran at 8:57 pace. The pace felt great but I had these crazy side stitches during mile 2.
Wednesday was a 4 miler that I wanted to try and run at the same pace as last Thursday's 4 miler. I think my pace was 9:21. It was raining pretty hard that day so I ran on the treadmill. After a warm up jog for a few minutes I did the pattern of switching between 6.4 and 6.5 every three minutes. I had side stitches AGAIN during the 2nd mile.
Finally, yesterday, I only had to do three miles. I probably could have run outside but I'm a weenie when it comes to cold weather and it was a little chilly outside (excuses, excuses). This was my favorite workout this week...why? Because I decided to add some incline to make things more interesting. My pace was 9:31 (6.3 on the treadmill). I wanted to keep it at the same pace and just change up the incline. Miles 1 & 3, I put the incline at 1.0. On mile 2, it was at 1.5. It's amazing the difference you feel by adding a little incline. (I want you all to pause and count how many times I typed incline in that paragraph).
Today is supposed to be a rest day (I will rest from running) but I'm going to mow the yard. In my opinion, mowing is a form of cross training! I will probably also do my hip/core exercises.
Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

May Races + Randoms

Random #1: I've been eating cinnamon swirl bagels the last couple of weeks (I'm not a breakfast eater...unless it's for dinner...so I've been forcing myself to eat at least half of a bagel)...but, all of a sudden, they taste disgusting to me. So I switched to blueberry :)
Random #2: I take a picture every year on our anniversary with the goal of putting all of them in a photo album. Here is this year's photo (warning: we look beautiful):
Ok. May racing...
I have two 5k's scheduled for the month of May. On the 18th, I'm doing Race for the Cure. My friend, Selina, asked me to be on her team last year and I had a blast. It was such an emotional experience. I knew I wanted to do it again this year. I can't wait!!!
On the 25th, I'll be in WV visiting my family for Memorial weekend. I'm going to run the Losing to Live 5k at my family's church. Here is a picture from last year's race:
I'm a dork.
There is actually a story behind this race. My parents knew I had gotten back into racing and, when I arrived to WV, they told me their church was hosting a 5k that weekend and asked if I'd like to run it. I thought, "Why not?!" I had no expectations or ideas about how it would go. I just figured it was a regular ole 5k. I can't remember my time but it was decent considering the hills (we don't have WV hills here in Ohio). We had to jet out after I ran but, the next day, the race coordinator handed me an award at church. Apparently, I was the female winner! ha. I think I even got 5th overall! Cray cray! I was stunned because, since high school, I've never won a race in my life!
Random #3: As of last week, I started a new bed time tradition. Caffeine free tea. This is what I bought this weekend:
Random #4: Out of nowhere, last night, our bedroom light came on. Weird. Two possibilities: A ghost. OR we have a remote for the light...I might have accidentally turned it on in my sleep. I'm going with ghost because I was turned away from the remote when it happened.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rule Breaker + My Weekend Trip

I broke one of the most important training rules this weekend:
I probably could have made time for it but the last three days have been a roller coaster. I've been sick since Tuesday night and I'm just now starting to feel better.
I left after work on Friday to drive to West Virginia to see my family.
Me with two of my sisters (Ashley is beside me, Katelyn below us)
My parents and Katelyn live in WV and Ashley flew in from Nebraska with her two girls.
We celebrated Rylee's 3rd birthday. She wanted a Care Bear party! How awesome is that?!

 And this is Annie. She drools a lot :)
Friday was my rest day which worked out perfectly because of the drive. Being sick and driving almost 6 hours isn't ideal! I was so tired when I arrived. I did work up enough energy to go to Target with Katelyn. We mostly browsed...until I found the planners (P.S. I'm obsessed with planners). I needed to buy one for my patient schedule but the other one that I bought is for...well, I'm not sure what it's for yet :)
I had trouble sleeping that night and ended up waking up at 5 a.m. I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up at 6 and decided to make quiche for breakfast. I used THIS recipe. It's so yummy! Because I woke up so early, I had a perfectly good opportunity to go for a run...I just didn't feel like it!!! Weird! It must be the fatigue and congestion AND migraine. After breakfast, we drove to DC to pick up Ashley and the girls from the airport. We came back to the house and celebrated Rylee's birthday. She got lots of coloring books (and I LOVE to color), so we had a chance to hang out :)
That night, I had some one-on-one time with Ashley (at Target! haha.). I wish I was able to stay longer. I really miss them! Before I left the next day, I experienced a new adventure:
4 Wheeler riding with my sis and Rylee

And 4 Wheeler driving!!
I screamed the ENTIRE time! I can't believe I'm 30, from Arkansas, and have never done this before! It was so much fun. I can't wait to revisit over Memorial weekend. I'm gonna show Mr. Boo my driving skills...hehehe. After this, I had to leave. I hate leaving...it's the worst. Of course, I cried. That's just what I do when I leave my family. I just never know when I'll get to see them again. BUT, I'm so thankful that I had the chance to see them...even if it was less than 24 hours.

Friday, April 19, 2013

What Kind of Sick Person Are You?

I don't mean sick as in disgusting. I mean sick as in ill.
I never get sick and I'm miserable when I do. I definately feel sorry for myself. The reason I am up at 5 a.m. typing this is because I can't sleep because of all of this congestion. My nose is running like a faucet!
I developed a sore throat on Tuesday night which carried into Wednesday. Luckily it was a rest day for my training. After our anniversary dinner, I noticed my nose was running. Thursday was awful. I kept sneezing and blowing my nose every 15-30 minutes...my elderly patients felt sorry for me! 
This brings me to my last point...one of the scariest things of all time:
Sneezing while driving. NOT FUN. If you've ever experienced this, you know what I mean. You are temporarily blind, hoping that you stay on the road. I'm pretty sure it happened about a hundred times yesterday.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Our Unconventional Anniversary Dinner

Our go-to place for celebratory dinners is usually Carrabba's or a Japanese Steakhouse. BUT, today, there was one thing on our mind:
Molten Chocolate Cake
We went to Chili's! We love their chips and salsa, I love the Southwestern Eggrolls, and they have that cake pictured above :) Right now, Mr. Boo is taking a power nap before he goes to worship band rehearsal but hopefully we'll get to look at our wedding pictures later tonight!

Running Groups and My First Outdoor Run

My body is SO FATIGUED!!! I've worked out hard the last few days. I decided it was a good idea to challenge myself with my 5 miler on Saturday. I thought I was gonna barf. The next day, I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of the nice weather and mow my yard. I was so tired after mowing the back, I decided to leave the front yard for Monday. We also walked 2 miles with the pups after I mowed. After finishing the front yard on Monday (which is much more difficult than the back), I went to a 2 hour Hip Hop session. OMG. I thought I was ok that night but paid for it the next day!
I probably should have rested on Tuesday but I knew I wouldn't workout today (Anniversary!!!). So...I did my first outdoor training run since my marathon in October! I've been training on the treadmill all winter. I thought I would hate it but I kinda liked it...much better than running in the cold.
It was a rough workout. I had to do 4x400 meter intervals including a 10 minute warm up jog and a 400 meter jog after each interval. It's not easy doing speed work when you are already fatigued! My legs felt so heavy but I ran as hard as I could without passing out.
After deciding to run a full marathon again this year, I thought of all the things I could do differently to prevent injury and keep from getting bored. One of the ideas I had was to join a running group. The two I read about were CERC and MIT. If you have any experience with running groups, please let me know! I usually run alone on long runs because I'm paranoid about my time but, after reading the websites, these groups seem very encouraging.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Davi: Year 3

We did so much in year three, I probably should have made it into two posts! That's ok...picture overload!
No Derby Party this year but went to a Derby themed wedding:
Our trip to WV over Memorial weekend:
3rd Annual Hillbilly Party (yes, that's Mr. Boo bending over to check the pork):
And these are our hillbillies:
Made several trips to Creekside with the girls:
Lake Erie trip with our LG:
Went to Chicago with the Hatti:
Went to a Buckeye game:
Another photo shoot with Crystal:
I ran the Columbus marathon while Mr. Boo cheered me on:
We went to our first Colts game at Lucas Oil:
We went to Nashville for my friend's wedding:
Ugly sweater party hosted by Crystal:
Christmas (with the tree in the living room instead of the kitchen!):
Montego Bay, Jamaica, mon:

He's been my official picture taker for my 2013 races:

I feel insanely blessed that there is so much more I could add to year three's list! I think this has been our best year, Boo!

The Davi: Year 2

Here are some experiences from our second year of marriage!
We adopted Angel, the sweetest pup that has ever lived:
Jimmy let me throw my first Derby Party (but he wouldn't wear a bow time):
We visited Nashville with our friends, The Hatti:
We took the pups to Indian Lake:
We hosted the 2nd Annual Hillbilly Party for the first time at our house (make sense?!):
My friend Crystal did our family photo shoot at Alum Creek Dog Park:
Pup-a-ween and Dog Party:

Zoo Lights...look, they have a display modeled after me! (giraffe neck?!):
Christmas in WV (that's my mom's Barbie tree):
Sandals Ocho Rios, Jamaica, mon! This is where we fell in love with Jamaica:

Our 2nd Anniversary Day: