First of all, did I put the commas in the right place in my title? If you know the answer to this question, please let me know.
SO...I had another week in which I had something scheduled every night. Monday: got my her did (it's a little darker...not as blonde); Tuesday: e4 Bible study at Heritage Christian Church...intense, overwhelming, satisfying, eye-opening; Wednesday: I'll talk more about below; Thursday: spaghetti dinner at the Roth's house followed by life group; Friday: fun happy hour with Becca and Ashlie then watched my boo play volleyball :)
SO...I had another week in which I had something scheduled every night. Monday: got my her did (it's a little darker...not as blonde); Tuesday: e4 Bible study at Heritage Christian Church...intense, overwhelming, satisfying, eye-opening; Wednesday: I'll talk more about below; Thursday: spaghetti dinner at the Roth's house followed by life group; Friday: fun happy hour with Becca and Ashlie then watched my boo play volleyball :)

Jimmy and I have begun the house buying process. We are approved for a loan so last weekend we began looking at homes. We saw three homes last weekend. I loved the first one, Jimmy wasn't a fan; we both hated the second one; Jimmy liked the third and I would consider it if there was a new remodeled kitchen. The thing I learned the most that first day is that Jimmy and I like different things and we both would have to learn to compromise in this process.
After discussing the houses we looked at on Saturday, we decided to take a second look at the third house. We brought along Jimmy's Uncle Mike...he builds homes for a living and knows Columbus VERY well. He basically said that if we bought this house we would be living 2 blocks from the hood where people get shot...he also said it would cost at least $10,000 to remodel the kitchen and that a lot of the things in the house were a piece of crap (i.e. the garage door, windows, etc.). That was enough info for my boo and I to decide we would keep looking...and that's what we're doing! We are taking on a new strategy by looking at houses slightly above our price range, knowing that we can negotiate down into our price range. Even though it's a stressful process, we learn something new through each experiece!
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