Vulnerable. Authentic. The highs, the lows, and everything in between. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas...thank you 8 lb. 6 oz. baby Jesus
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Painting adventure in our new crib...
I'm gonna make this short and sweet since Jimmy and I are insanely busy and we are preparing to have people over for the first time on Saturday. Please pray for our sanity....this "getting-the-house-together" thing is VERY overwhelming and I'm probably not enjoying it as much as I should. I'm really stressing out about having things ready for people to come over...BLAH!
Here's our start:
Here's our start:
Our house after the first snow storm...
Our spare bedroom while painting it...
Our spare bedroom after painting it...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Week 1 of homeownership...Is that a word?
November 23rd...we are so excited!!!
It's located in Gahanna, OH (east side
of Columbus) and sits on a corner
lot...3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths.
It's a split level home with this layout:
The top floor has the three bedrooms and full bath...two of the bedrooms have hardwood floor and the third has carpet (with pink and orange walls that we will paint!); One of those rooms will be an office/prayer room (Jimmy's great idea)...
The main floor has the living room and the kitchen. The living room also has hardwood. We ordered the love seat and chair that match our current couch and we're getting a sweet 42" LG TV so that we may enjoy some sports, The Office, 16 and Pregnant, Dog the Bounty Hunter, etc. :) We are making a little change in the kitchen. In the pic above, you may notice that the white cabinets have blue on them. I wasn't a fan of that because it made the blue countertops really pop we are painting the cabinets all white...we will eventually get new countertops. Finally, attached to the kitchen is a 2 car garage and a sweet patio that goes to the back yard. I'll post another blog soon with a picture of the patio.
On the bottom floor is a half bath, utility room with great storage space, and a finished basement! The basement will have Jimmy's drum set and eventually a movie/hangout room. This will be the last area we fix up because we'll have to buy a another TV, more furniture, etc. One of our goals is to host lots of get-togethers...Jimmy loves to entertain so hopefully it will be a great home for family and friends!
Here's a quick story about our first couple of adventures as homeowners:
Saturday night, we went to the house to start painting our cabinets. We thought that the paint we were using had primer in it but quickly found out it didn't because it wasn't even close to covering up that blue after two coats of, basically, we wasted our time (except for the fact that the radio was playing some sweet songs from the 90's!).
We went back the next day (with primer) and did the job the right way....that was followed by 6 hours of raking and bagging leaves! BLAH! Honestly, I was totally cool with was actually a fun little workout...but the bagging sucked super bad!!! It was so annoying! We ended up with 26 bags of leaves! Jimmy and I now consider ourselves professional leaf people! We quickly made the decision that we would pay a kid in the neighborhood to do our leaves next year!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Great things continue to happen...
Jimmy and I are so insanely blessed right now...we have had the occasional craziness but, overall, we can't complain :) I had an AWESOME trip to Nebraska to see my mom surprised me by driving from Arkansas to see me while I was in NE!! I didn't think I would be able to see her until after the holidays. So, needless to say, I was super excited! Here are a few pics of the awesome little people of my family (and I'm not talking about midgets):
Drew as Mayhem from X-MEN
Quinten as that thing from Yo Gabba Gabba
Rylee being silly :)
While I was away on my trip, Jimmy and I managed to put an offer on a house...he would call me several times with the latest info and he took care of signing all the papers while I was away. I'm so glad he was able to be in Columbus to take care of that :) All we have left in the process is the appraisal and that happens on Monday...we may have a house on November 30th if all goes well! Thanks for all of the hard work Boo!!
Finally, Jimmy and I joined a gym this weekend and began working out again on Monday. We haven't been very consistent with working out the last couple of months so we decided that we would recommit ourselves by joining a good gym...I'm so excited about buffing up again...I feel like a blob!
Hope all my peeps are doing my family: I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I had an amazing time with you and can't wait to do it again :)
Drew as Mayhem from X-MEN
Quinten as that thing from Yo Gabba Gabba
Rylee being silly :)
While I was away on my trip, Jimmy and I managed to put an offer on a house...he would call me several times with the latest info and he took care of signing all the papers while I was away. I'm so glad he was able to be in Columbus to take care of that :) All we have left in the process is the appraisal and that happens on Monday...we may have a house on November 30th if all goes well! Thanks for all of the hard work Boo!!
Finally, Jimmy and I joined a gym this weekend and began working out again on Monday. We haven't been very consistent with working out the last couple of months so we decided that we would recommit ourselves by joining a good gym...I'm so excited about buffing up again...I feel like a blob!
Hope all my peeps are doing my family: I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I had an amazing time with you and can't wait to do it again :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
My October Adventures Continue...

I appreciate and love fall time more and more as I get older :) It's such a great time of the year! Jimmy and I decided to get a pumpkin and draw on it instead of carve it...dull, I know! Not really cuz we had tons of fun drawing together!
We had lots of fall fun this weekend. I did my first corn maze EVER with Jimmy and some of our friends on Friday night. At this corn maze, we had to find 8 different stations and use a crayon they gave us to rub the picture onto our piece of paper (we termed these stations "rubbings")! Let's just say that the first "rubbing" we found was a little on the perverted side and we wondered what other "rubbings" may lie ahead! Another highlight of the night had to be when Becca ran into the rope and bounced back like a slingshot (this was right after we were talking about how unintelligent the high school kids were acting that night)!
The next day, our friend Abby invited some of us over for a fall party. We had some yummy food and ended up watching football and UFC instead of carving pumpkins :) Nothing better than food, friends, football, and UFC all in one night! Here's another pic of the pumpkin Jimmy and I drew on...he is quite the artist (he even drew me some boobs...quite proportionate to my real boob

Oh how I love my husband! So, let me update you all on the house process. We looked at 5 houses on Saturday. We LOVED one of them and really liked two more. The wanted to offer on the one we loved but our realtor called us back soon after and told us that another couple looked at it a week earlier and that it was in contract :( We were bummed but we keep telling ourselves that there is a reason that God didn't want us to have that house. Of the two we really liked, we decided that one of them we liked better so we are taking a second look at it on Wednesday. We'll see how that goes and maybe we'll go for it! We'll see and I'll certainly keep you all posted.
Last, and certainly not least, I get to see my sisters, nephews, nieces, and brother-in-law this week/weekend!!!!! I am so excited!!! I leave on Thursday and return Monday...I can't wait for my Nebraska adventure :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
This post is for those that love this song just as much as I do:
That song is so sweet!
That song is so sweet!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Another busy but, more importantly, FUN week...

First of all, did I put the commas in the right place in my title? If you know the answer to this question, please let me know.
SO...I had another week in which I had something scheduled every night. Monday: got my her did (it's a little darker...not as blonde); Tuesday: e4 Bible study at Heritage Christian Church...intense, overwhelming, satisfying, eye-opening; Wednesday: I'll talk more about below; Thursday: spaghetti dinner at the Roth's house followed by life group; Friday: fun happy hour with Becca and Ashlie then watched my boo play volleyball :)
SO...I had another week in which I had something scheduled every night. Monday: got my her did (it's a little darker...not as blonde); Tuesday: e4 Bible study at Heritage Christian Church...intense, overwhelming, satisfying, eye-opening; Wednesday: I'll talk more about below; Thursday: spaghetti dinner at the Roth's house followed by life group; Friday: fun happy hour with Becca and Ashlie then watched my boo play volleyball :)

Jimmy and I have begun the house buying process. We are approved for a loan so last weekend we began looking at homes. We saw three homes last weekend. I loved the first one, Jimmy wasn't a fan; we both hated the second one; Jimmy liked the third and I would consider it if there was a new remodeled kitchen. The thing I learned the most that first day is that Jimmy and I like different things and we both would have to learn to compromise in this process.
After discussing the houses we looked at on Saturday, we decided to take a second look at the third house. We brought along Jimmy's Uncle Mike...he builds homes for a living and knows Columbus VERY well. He basically said that if we bought this house we would be living 2 blocks from the hood where people get shot...he also said it would cost at least $10,000 to remodel the kitchen and that a lot of the things in the house were a piece of crap (i.e. the garage door, windows, etc.). That was enough info for my boo and I to decide we would keep looking...and that's what we're doing! We are taking on a new strategy by looking at houses slightly above our price range, knowing that we can negotiate down into our price range. Even though it's a stressful process, we learn something new through each experiece!
Friday, October 8, 2010
The silly games we play...

I did something sort of embarrassing at work yesterday. I was trying to tell one of my patients to take a "rest" or a "break" but accidently combined the two words and ended up saying: "Why don't you go ahead and take a little BREAST!" I felt like an idiot!
Doing that reminded me of a game my husband and I play when we are feeling silly and want to make each other laugh. We take a couple (Ex: Warner and Patty) and switch the first letter(s) of their names (from previous example: Porner and Watty)...and for some reason it really cracks us up!
I then started thinking about all of the other crazy things that Jimmy and I do that crack us up but others might think we are weirdos! I know you couples out there have these silly little games. Jimmy and I make up silly songs and sing them to each other (some of them not to be shared out loud!)...we also like a good game of butt tag :)
So, my question for my friends out there: What are some of the silly games you play with your significant other that some people may think is weird but you think it's AWESOME?!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Does life ever slow down?

Sometimes I wonder "who's to blame for the craziness I call my life?!" I truely know that I'm to blame but I don't know how to slow it down! On the other hand, when those rare moments come when life does slow down, all I can think about is filling in that time with something to do! It's a vicious cycle people!!
There are two things I really enjoy doing that I've neglected the most lately: exercising and reading my Bible DAILY. I love doing both of these why are they the first things to be thrown out if I'm having a busy day?! It makes no sense!
I am now recalling my weekly my butt off during the day, get in my car and think about how I will crash when I get home, call my husband and ask what we want to do for dinner, shower, pursue dinner plans, crash (that is unless I have a Bible study that night or Life group)...I'm sure you all have something similar to this...oh yeah, I can't forget my daily dose of Snooki or Operation Repo or vocabulary lessons with The Situation...why is that stuff so addicting?!'s what I'm gonna try:
continue to work my butt off, call Jimmy about dinner thoughts, think about my workout while driving home and listening to some rap music :), WORKOUT, pursue dinner plans, attend my committments for the night, and relax by reading my Bible instead of watching TV.
I really really hope this works for me. Especially in the midst of house hunting and pregnancy scares (if you don't know, that was part of my weekend...LOL) and other dramas in life...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
October Events
I know that October is going to be an awesome month full of fun events because it's FALL!!! Yay for fall :) I just wanted to post some events in October that I will be attending or some that sound fun that you might want to attend. Please comment at the end if you know of anything else going on that I should check out. Remember, I've only lived in Columbus for a year so I don't know everything that's happening!
I will start by posting a link to the Buckeyes schedule so that you don't miss any of the games. I'm doing this because I know how you crazy buckeye fans are...
Oct. 2nd:
I will start by posting a link to the Buckeyes schedule so that you don't miss any of the games. I'm doing this because I know how you crazy buckeye fans are...
Oct. 2nd:
- Project Greenlight (9 a.m.-noon)- if you are wanting a service opportunity, the young adults ministry at my church is doing some yardwork...Read all about it here: (it's towards the bottom of the page...there's also an opportunity on the 16th)
- Gallery Hop-
- Young Adults Cookout (1p.m.-3 p.m.)- also an event my church is putting on:
- Columbus Italian Festival- who doesn't like Italian food?!
- Dia-spora (5 p.m.)- young adults worship service at my's pretty dang awesome...and you can see my hubby play drums:
- Fall Festival in downtown Worthington- this one is free!
- Columbus Marathon and 1/2 Marathon- I was totally supposed to run this thing but I discovered that I do not like to run like I used to...therefore, I chose to be lazy and not do it...this is more of a warning so that you may avoid the traffic associated with it:
- Circleville Pumpkin Show- I really wanted to go last year and was unable to...I'm determined to make it happen this year!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I'm officially a slacker...
would do it EVERY week...I do apologize for my
slacking. When thinking about what to post in my
latest blog, I couldn't possibly focus it on one thing.
So much has happened in the last couple of weeks!
Therefore, I will just catch you all up on what has
been happening in my life. And I must say that
things have been exceptionally awesome overall :)
I just happened to celebrate my birthday a couple weeks ago and it was an awesome time! It reminded me of how many people I have in my life that love me! What a blessing! There were many celebrations between family and work and friends. The night of my birthday, Jimmy took me out to eat at Benihana's at Polaris. I felt so fat after that dinner! We started off at the bar for happy hour and took advantage of the sushi specials. Not only did I take advantage of the sushi specials but I took advantage of the drink specials and had a beer...yes, a beer! If you know me well, you know that I don't drink beer! But I thought that since it was my birthday, I would be brave and try something new (I had a Kirin wasn't as bad as most beers I've had). After the happy hour adventure, we began the hibachi grill adventure!! The food was yummy, of course, and I decided to make it even better by ordering a Fuji Appletini!!! If you ever go to Benihana and like fruity drinks, you MUST try that one! Here's a pic from our dinner:

My birthday was on a Monday, and I took off the Friday following my birthday which meant a short week at work (I love my job but a short week is always amazing!). I didn't take off for birthday purposes but for wedding purposes!! Our friends Scott and Mariam got married in Nashville that Saturday! The wedding was so awesome (the pic at the beginning of the blog was at the wedding)! It was so cool the see the Indian and American cultures collide in the wedding:) Congrats to our friends!
Besides going to the wedding, we were able to spend some time with some old Nashville friends. I really do miss being there but feel so blessed that I was placed in Columbus. I know God has great things ahead for me...I just have to be patient and wait for them to happen! It was great to hang out with Shana and Casey and be around another married couple (they got married three weeks before Jimmy and I were married). I will always hold Nashville close to my heart...what a fabulous city!

That brings me to this's been absolutely insane at work. Once I leave work, it's all good. My work hours, on the other hand, have been a lot crazier this week. I'm just so glad that I am beginning to learn to separate work from my home life. Here's something I've realized recently: I love my job but I love God more! It is a blessing to have a great job like provides me the money Jimmy and I need to survive...and it's an amazingly fun and interesting job! But I have no desire to be a leader in my field at the moment. I just want to enjoy what I do and not make my life all about work...there are more important things in my life. I believe, above all other things, that relationships are most important. That includes my relationship with God and my relationship with other people. Luckily for me, my job also allows me to develop great relationships!
The last big thing that has happened in the last two weeks has to do with Jimmy and I buying our first house. We applied for a conventional loan and we were denied. Not because of our salaries (we both make enough money) but because of our stupid school loan debt!!! I knew that going to PT school would give me a fair amount of loan debt but, when you combine that with a husband who has the same amount of loan debt, it doesn't get a a house loan! On a good note, we did find out that we qualify for an FHA loan and we're going to talk to the guy about it next week. We can't wait to actually start looking at houses! We're hoping to have a home buy the end of February (when our current lease is up).
Ok, time to stop blabbing...hope this catches all of you up on what's going on in our lives. I'm so excited about my future with Jimmy...he is an amazing husband and I love him dearly!!!
P.S. I'm taking this sweet class at church called e4 and I'm hoping to learn a lot so that I may share some things with you all in the future. Also, if you live in the Columbus area, you should check out's a young adults worship service at my church in Westerville...every second Sunday of the month...the next one is Oct. 10th.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Brand New Day
Hello all! I just wanted to start by saying that I am SUPER excited to visit Nashville this weekend! Jimmy and I are going to witness our friends Scott and Mariam get married :) And, of course, we are going to have all kinds of fun while we are there!

Just wanted to post a song that I was listening to today by Joshua Radin:
Some kind of magic
Happens late at night
When the moon smiles down on me
And bathes me in its light
I fell asleep beneath you
In the tall blades of grass
When I woke the world was new
I never had to ask
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
Most kind of stories
Save the best part for last
Most stories have a hero who finds
You make your past your past
Yeah you make your past your past
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
This cycle never ends
You gotta fall in order to mend
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
Look up the song people! It's a fun one :) One final thought: YAY FOR MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!

Just wanted to post a song that I was listening to today by Joshua Radin:
Some kind of magic
Happens late at night
When the moon smiles down on me
And bathes me in its light
I fell asleep beneath you
In the tall blades of grass
When I woke the world was new
I never had to ask
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
Most kind of stories
Save the best part for last
Most stories have a hero who finds
You make your past your past
Yeah you make your past your past
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
This cycle never ends
You gotta fall in order to mend
It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time
In such a long long time
I know
I’ll be ok
Look up the song people! It's a fun one :) One final thought: YAY FOR MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Reasons I love that I was born
In the spirit of my birthday (yay for September birthdays!), I thought I would list some of the many reasons that I love being alive! Here goes nothin'...
- Christianity- I love that God created the heavens and the earth and that I had the opportunity to choose to follow Him :)

- Family and Friend Relationships- I love my family and Jimmy's family so very much!!! And I'm learning to make friendships that will last a lifetime!
- Football- it's the greatest sport EVER! My life would not be the same without it...WOO PIG SOOIE!

- Exercise- even though I go through lazy moments, I love to workout!
- Spooning- if you've ever been in a relationship you must admit that cuddling is awesome...I need my daily dose of spooning!
- Eating- food is awesome...nuf said

- Water- I love drinking it but, most of all, I love playing in it! From pools to lakes to showers...water is fabulous!
- Music- I was a band dweeb in jr. high and high school but what I love even more is hearing other peoples' music...I'm not biased or anything but drummers are pretty hot ;) (if you don't already know, my hubby is a drummer)
- Dancing- I've been known to drop it like it's hot at least once a day
- Movies/TV- life just isn't the same without Harry Potter or The Office or Sex and the City, for example
- Caffeine- what can I say...I love my Coca-Cola and coffee

- Seasons- I used to be a summer girl cuz I hated wearing a lot of clothes and I loved dresses...but in the last year or so, I think I've converted to a fall girl...just keep the winter away from me please!
- School- I've been known to be a super geek...I love school...if I could be a professional student and make the same money I make now, I'd be all over it!

Here's what I want to know from you...what are some of the reasons you love that you were born?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Life is Like a Roller Coaster...

This weekend, Jimmy and I invited two of our new friends, Jordan and Lindsay, to come to Cedar Point with us (and his mom). It was so INSANE!! In fact, "insane" is my new favorite word and I said it so much over the weekend that I probably got on everyone's nerves. I have never felt so out of control than I did on those roller coasters. I felt safe the entire time but hated that there was nothing I could do to change or control what happened once I got in that line and sat in that seat. It made me realize that life is often like that...we go through INSANE situations and times in our life but God is always there to help control the situation...even if we don't notice that He's there!
After our crazy day on the coasters, we were able to chill out and spend time enjoying part of God's beautiful creation! The sun had set and we took a sheet to lay out on the beach at Lake Erie. The moon was big and bright...the stars were amazing...words cannot describe :) I think it's in peaceful times like this that we tend to notice that God is with us.

I have decided to challenge myself in knowing that God's love is always present during our INSANE roller coaster situations and during the peaceful times in our life. Remember:
Love is a choice...God chose to love good times and in bad
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I might have mentioned before that one of the hardest things about being a newlywed is learning to live together. It forces you to realize some personality traits you didn't know existed. One of my goals in making this committment of marriage is to not be a NAG!!! Here are a couple of definitions to get our brain waves flowing so that we can talk about nagging (I used the very reliable source known as "Dictionary" on my iPhone):
- nag (noun)- someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault; an old or overworked horse
- fault (noun)- a wrong action attributable to bad judgement or ignorance or inattention
Any thoughts on a solution to keep us from nagging? I read one article that said we should start "sharing our feelings" instead of nagging...I have a feeling that if it's our significant others we are nagging at, sharing our feelings isn't a better solution! I need different advice and ideas...
One of the things I learned from my counseler (NO...I did not go to counseling for being an excessive nagger) is to avoid saying phrases like: "you always..." and "you never..."
The other day, instead of nagging verbally, I nagged in a note! LOL. My amazing husband, who I love with all my heart, had three empty bottles in the shower (one shampoo and two body washes). I went to the store and bought him some new stuff and put it by the bathroom sink with a sweet note that said something along the lines of: "I bought you some new shampoo and body wash. You can go ahead and throw away the empty ones in the shower. Heart Lisa" should we handle nagging, what are ways to avoid it, etc. Let me know your thoughts!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My recommittment to blogging!!!

I am incredibly horrible at blogging but it's something that I really want to do so I'm officially committing to blogging once a week! It's your responsibility to hold me accountable for doing it!
For this entry, I'll just sum up the last 4 months of my life and, from here on out, I'll journal or something everyday so that I'll have fun stuff to report every week when I blog! YAY!
For this entry, I'll just sum up the last 4 months of my life and, from here on out, I'll journal or something everyday so that I'll have fun stuff to report every week when I blog! YAY!
Has anyone heard the news?! I'm married!! Jimmy and I celebrated our 4-month-a-versery on the 17th. It's been a fun and awesome adventure so far. I knew it would be challenging but there is no way you can ever fully prepare for what marriage will be like!
I would say our biggest challenge has been learning to live together and figure out each other's "ways." Of course, I think my ways are the only ways :) I'm so glad Jimmy is patient with me because it's really hard to give up being independent and turning that into being co-dependent! YIKES! One of my goals is not to be a nagging wife but that is so hard when you live with a man! I'll spare the details for now cuz once I start blogging regularly, I'll have PLENTY of stories to tell :)
Also, in the past few months, I've changed careers. I'm still a PT but I went from outpatient ortho to skilled nursing. I am SO glad I made the change. My job is great so far and the people I work with are awesome! And the stories I have are way more fun (and gross) than the ones I had in outpatient.
Through the ups and downs the last few months, I have been so completely blessed by God. He has provided me with an amazing husband, amazing in-laws, and an awesome new job. He has also answered my prayers of protection with my family and friends in Arkansas, Nebraska, and Tennessee. Praise God!
Monday, March 29, 2010

Jimmy and I (along with our friend, Ryan) went to Nashville this weekend. It was a weekend full of celebration! Our friends Casey and Shana got married on Friday....super cool wedding! :)
The next day I spent time with my maid of honor, Rachel. She threw me an awesome shower/bach. party! She made lots of yummy snacks...Ray Tay and Sheridan joined us. Tay brought dessert and some yummy adult bevs. After eating and catching up with the girls, I opened my gifts...I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I received more amazing gifts! Here's what the girls got for me:
- Sheridan got me a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond...thanks girl! I can't wait to use it!
- Ray Tay bought me a sexy outfit to wear for Jimmy after we get married...hopefully I don't think of her when I'm wearing it...haha...totally joking! Thanks Tay!
- Rachel K. got me another awesome outfit for Jimmy to enjoy (pink polka dots, of course) and some bathroom supplies I had on my JC Penney registry...Thanks girlfriend...I loved it all!
After a delicious dinner and margarita, we went to downtown Nashville. We started at Buffalo Billiards for a shot of tequila. While there, we saw a guy in a wedding dress! So I took a picture with him! It was too funny. After leaving there, we headed to Broadway but every place had a massive line and I was wanting to get the party started so we ended up going back to Rachel's crib to continue the celebration!
Because I'm an old woman now, I was super tired but managed to stay up til 130 or so...I had such a blast! I'm so thankful for my Nashville friends and can't wait to celebrate my marriage with them on April 17th!!! Now I get to look forward to one more celebration before the small group girls and I are going out the weekend before the wedding in Columbus...should be a fun time!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Shower #2
I can't believe I got a bazillion more gifts!! This is crazy...our friends and families are AMAZING! This past Sunday, Jimmy's mom, Deb, threw me a shower for his side of the family. A bunch of aunts and cousins were there...lots of great women!
We started off by playing a get-to-know-each-other game. Then we did a game about famous couples. After that we ate some food (including Floyd's yummy salsa!) and cake...MMM!

Now for the even better part...presents :) Here's what they bought me:
- money and a gift card
- super cute picture frames
- lots and lots of silverware!
- slow cooker that makes cooking easier for me :)
- an electric mixer
- placemats
- soft blanket for cuddling
- toasting glasses
- utensils
- and much much more!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Shower #1
Oh my goodness! What an amazing day Saturday was :) I had my first shower! Although I can't stand to be the center of attention, I managed to have fun anyway. I REALLY appreciate all of the women who came out to celebrate with me...that meant a lot! On top of that, I got some sweet presents:

I want to take some time to individually thank all who participated. I first want to thank Joan for putting the shower together and Amy for helping her set up! You ladies are AWESOME! I would also like to thank:
- Jen (and her hubby, Brian) for the spatula (purple one!!), whisk (small one), masher, and cookie sheets...great wrapping job Brian!
- Kelli for the super cute blanket and green basket
- Candace and Carrie for the awesome OSU grill set...Jimmy LOVES it!
- Amy for the cute are so crafty!
- Shane, Lila, Keri, and Elizabeth for the oven mit with all of the kitchen makes me want to get in the kitchen and cook up some goodies! (but that probably won't happen anytime
- Joan for the awesome utensil you made for is so pretty!
- Renee, Carrie, Suzi, and Alyssa for the can opener, ice cream scoop, salt and pepper grinders, and tea pitcher...those are probably the four things a southern girl needs the most in her kitchen!
- That's really cute!
- Shoot, I'll take anything!
- What do I do with this?
- It's cool looking...I just don't know what to do with it!
- This is HUGE!
- Well, that one's a smaller one and that one's a bigger one!
- squish it!
- He did pretty good!
- Does it slide off?!
- Jimmy is oversized!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
5 1/2 Weeks!!!

Jump for joy's almost time for the wedding!!! I can't believe it's almost here. I'm getting super excited :) People keep asking me if I'm stressed out, but, honestly, I'm not! I'm the least stressful that I've ever been in this process.
I've only been thrown one challenge recently and I've already taken the steps to fixing it. One of my bridesmaids called me this weekend and said she couldn't be in the wedding. I called my mom and she suggested I have my step sister do the task of filling in that last spot. I called David's Bridal and they found a dress in my step sister's size in TX. They are shipping it to my mom's house. I'm just so thankful that I was able to get a dress for her before the wedding!
For those of you interested, here is what the next 5 weeks look like:
- Showers, showers, and more showers!!! I have a shower every weekend for the next three weeks. This weekend, Jimmy's step mom, Joan, is throwing me a shower brunch style! She is making quiche and mimosas and we're gonna have a good ole time! Next weekend, Jimmy's mom, Deb, is throwing me a shower at her dad's house and her family will be attending...not sure about the details of that but I'm sure it will be equally as fun! The last weekend of the month will be the much anticipated Nashville party! Rachel K. is getting some girls together for a good time in the city! I am so excited!
- I have very little work left to do...just a few little things. I have to make corsages with Deb and Amy, jewelry shop with Joan, and make gifts with Carrie :) Oh yeah, I have to do programs too...
- On St. Patrick's Day, Jimmy and I are going to take care of marriage license stuff...maybe we'll grab some green beer after that ;)

Anyway, I cannot wait to marry Jimmy...he is my best friend and I love him so very much!!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I'm bad at blogging!!

I honestly thought I would keep up with all of this blogging stuff but realized I'm really not that into it...which is why it's been REALLY long since I've blogged about my wedding. Pretty much all of the details have been taken care of...we just have finalize everything.
In the last couple of months we've:
-paid off our honeymoon (bow-chika-wow-wow)
-sent off for our passports
-printed invitations
-picked out our cake...YUMMY!!
-purchased most flowers and centerpiece items needed
-booked a hotel room for the night of the wedding (one of Jimmy's tasks)
-picked out a hair lady (Sarah...who will also be my wedding day coordinator)
-figured out accommodations for the wedding party (who will be staying at Jimmy's parents' houses)
-finalized rehearsal dinner plans (combo of Buca's chicken parm, Benny's pizza, and lasagna)
-picked out the songs for the ceremony and couple dances (I would love to reveal them but isn't that bad luck or something?)
WOW! That's a lot! And I have a list even longer of stuff still left to do!! This Saturday I am getting together with Jimmy's mom, Deb, and his sister-in-law, Amy, to make bouquets. When we make them I'll take pics and post em.
Sorry for my bad blogging skills yo...I hope to be better at this in the future :)
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