Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Operation Eat the $#!t Out of Protein

Operation Eat the $#!t Out of Protein


So, I have this grand idea that my skinny body is going to get big. I've tried this before, but not in a serious manner. I know this is mostly due to the amount of running I do. For now, I have no plans to cut my miles. Let's be real, I have marathons I've committed to running. I figured I would start getting in the habit of eating the crap out of food so that it will be second nature by the time I can cut my mileage.

As far as the diet part is concerned, I researched foods in which I can get the biggest bang for my buck regarding protein content. I know meats...duh. Getting protein for dinner has never been an issue. Breakfast is tough for me because I'm not hungry right away. I've had to force myself to eat something before leaving the house for work. My job is pretty perfect for a high protein diet, because I can eat a snack after each patient I see (I do home health PT so I drive from patient to patient). This week, I have brought a ton of small snacks in addition to a sandwich for lunch. This has allowed me to get a lot of protein during the work day. My daily goal is at least my body weight in grams of protein. In reality, I'd like to be around 150 grams.
I bought some "unflavored" protein powder to see if I could tolerate the taste better than the vanilla that Jimmy uses.

The lifting part of it is the easiest adjustment. I've already been lifting at least 3 times a week for the past almost two years. Before that, I enjoyed lifting, but it was very spotty. I'd go several days or even weeks without a lift session. I will try to add one more day of lifting when I can, but definitely stick to at least three per week. Rather than make stuff up when I go, I've been looking up workouts by fitness models and body builders. This allows me to go into the gym with more intention.


  • 4/23: 5.01 miles, 9:22/mile; Bis/Tris, 40 minutes. I was so happy for an easy run. I was worn out from my Sunday shenanigans. After Highbanks and mowing, my legs were toast. After work, I had just enough time to lift before picking up the kids.
  • 4/24: 6 miles, 10:06/mile. A run with Meg was long overdue. We met in New Albany for a wet 6 miles. It was nice catching up...although, catching up was mostly me venting about work.
    How do you like the glasses?! I had to reserve my last two pairs of contacts until I received my new ones in the mail.
  • 4/25: 3.05 miles, 8:25/mile; 5 miles, 8:28/mile; Chest/Back, 50 minutes. I slept HORRIBLY the night before. I had plans to get 5 extra solo miles at 5 am before meeting Sarah at 5:45 am for her taper speed workout. Of course, that didn't happen. I chose to sleep the extra 45 minutes in hopes that I'd have the opportunity to run in the afternoon or evening. Fortunately, a change in my work scheduled freed up some time for me to run AND lift before picking up the kids! WIN. I ended up doing a mile warm up, 12 x 1 min at 7:19/mile with 1 minute recovery at 8:57/mile, and cool down to 5 miles. It felt so good and got me excited for my races coming up.
    I stole this from a friend's IG account. It pretty much describes me 65% of the time.
  • 4/26: REST. Today was a freaking crazy day. I simply had no time for a workout. It was a running rest day for me. I had 8 patients to see for work (which is an insane day), and had to be somewhere at 4:30 pm to sign paperwork to close on the house we sold. When we finally got home, it was dinner, cleaning house, and packing for three people (kids were going to Grandma's and I was going to Illinois).
    Sometimes...every time...you see something at Target and have to buy it.
  • 4/27: 7 miles, 9:06/mile. After seeing one patient, Amanda and I set off to Illinois so she could participate in the Illinois Marathon. I love when I have the opportunity to go on these trips as a spectator! I had planned to wake up early for my long run, but I am never motivated to wake up to run at 5 am alone. I ended up getting some miles on the treadmill at the hotel. I ran just under 7 miles so I made up the rest the next day chasing after Amanda.
  • 4/28: 4 walking miles. I'm not sure about my time because I didn't record it. I had to go back and map out the route I walked to get my distance. It was such a beautiful day for a run...not as fun for walking.
    Cheering on some amazing runners while waiting for Amanda.

    There she is!
  • 4/29: 12 miles, 8:30/mile; 3.5 walking miles, 1 hour 45 minutes. I finally got in the long run and mowing the yard. It meant missing out on a baby sprinkle and Bible Study, but life happens and adulting doesn't stop. Even though I'm not racing Flying Pig to my fullest extent, I wanted to check in with marathon pace. I haven't intentionally attempted any since my last marathon. Workout goal: 6 easy, 5 MP, 1 easy. I never looked at my pace while running, and just tried to feel it out.
    Marathon #9 coming soon!

    Fairly consistent with my MP mile attempts.


I did a pretty good job getting my protein this week. I worry that the monotony of it will get to me, though. Only time will tell.
Check this out. I'm working on my 2018 fitness goal of performing a handstand. For the first time, I was able to kick up from the floor and hold this position for 2 seconds before needing the wall to save me!

I am SOOOOO excited to run Flying Pig next weekend! It will be a more challenging course (hilly), but I'm hoping to help a friend get his first sub 4 hour marathon. The thought is exciting!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Carmel to Pig: I Still Have No Real Plan

I Still Have No Real Plan


Be still my heart.

My basic plan this week was:

-Run twice short and easy
-Do a speed workout
-Do a long run
-Run at Highbanks

I guess that's sort of having a plan, but not really.


  • 4/16: 7 miles, 8:58/mile. I met up with Sarah for some early easy miles. I still felt pretty tired from my runs over the weekend. I had a crazy work day ahead of me as well as a dentist appointment. It was nice to get my run in early!
  • 4/17: 5.01 miles, 10:04/mile; Haley's Chest/Shoulder workout and Z's stability workout, 50 minutes. I was more than happy to keep it easy today. My body might have hated me otherwise. I met up with Sarah and Lisa B, and we managed to crawl our way through the sperm route.
  • 4/18: 6 miles, 8:33/mile; Haley's Bis/Tris workout, 50 minutes. I skipped the early morning track option for sleep. I decided to hit up the treadmill after work for a 2 mile warm up, 12 x 1 minute at goal 10k pace (7:19) with 1 minute recovery, and 1 mile cool down. Even though I felt good in the moment, my legs were toast later that night.
    New goals , new notebook.
  • 4/19: Yoga video, 45 minutes. I took my mat and yoga block to the gym for a little yoga action. I've stopped caring if people look at me like I'm a weirdo.
  • 4/20: 16 miles, 9:00/mile. It was GORGEOUS! I decided to run after work to take advantage of the warm sun. My only mistake was forgetting the sunblock! Yikes.
    Sports bra burn.

    My personal favorite...the t-shirt burn.
    The was, hands down, the most peaceful run I've had in a long time. The weather was perfect; the neighborhoods were filled with the sounds and smells of people mowing their lawns. I loved every moment.
  • 4/21: Back/Glutes/TrA, 1 hour 15 minutes. I did a fun workout I got from Haley on IG. I have a feeling I'm going to hate myself the next few days...butt DOMS will be in full effect.
  • 4/22: 7.05 miles, 9:46/mile; 3.43 mowing miles (ha!!), 1:44:17; Tacy Shoulder Workout, 40 minutes. I started my day with a sunrise run at Highbanks. A few of us that are running the Flying Pig Marathon in two weeks wanted to get some hill action. Highbanks is beautiful and never disappoints!
    I told them to act casual. Ha!!! [Sarah, Britt, Chris, ME]
    After coffee, church, and lunch, I mowed my new yard for the first time. I had no idea how long it would take and was curious about how much walking I'd get in. The distance and time includes puppy poop pickup.
    Yes, I'm a lawn mowing badass.
    I was freaking worn out by the time I finished, but I needed to get a lift in because work is going to be insane this coming week.


Only two more weeks until Flying Pig! Even though I'm not racing all out, I'm still trying to get a sub 4 hour marathon which is still a good amount of work for me. I really hope I can help my friend, Chris, get his PR!!


Handstand Goal Update:

I was able to kick up to the wall without props! This is a big deal, y'all. I was also able to hold my handstand for 2-3 seconds in the tucked position...another big deal! I'm feeling optimistic.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Carmel to Pig: Doing Whatevs

Doing Whatevs


Five weeks between Carmel and Flying Pig. Week one was my 5 day break with some easy running the other days. Week two (this week) is just listening to my body and trying to up the distance a bit. The last three weeks will follow the pattern that Coach Z gave me for Carmel (this is what is in my head, anyway).

  • 4/9: 4 miles, 9:07/mile; Bis/Tris, 45 minutes. The weather was stupid today. I just ran on the treadmill and followed it up with a lift session.
  • 4/10: 5.01 miles, 9:03/mile; Shoulder and Stability workout, 1 hour. I met some close pals at the Hoover Dam to conquer one of the only legit hills close to my house. I wasn't sure how I'd feel and decided to just play it by ear with regards to how many times I'd run it. In the past, when training, I'd do about 8. I knew that wasn't going to happen! I ended up doing a mile warm up, 6 hill repeats (almost three miles total), and cool down to 5 miles. I thought I was going to die the first couple of reps, but ended up feeling pretty good about myself!
    Fun times at the dam!
  • 4/11: 8.02 miles, 8:41/mile. After skipping the morning run to sleep more, I was able to enjoy a solo, sunny, and windy run around lunchtime. I wanted a change in scenery, so I headed to Dublin. I'm looking forward to a running rest day tomorrow!
  • 4/12: REST.
    I made this winner's crown for a friend who's running her first Boston Marathon.
  • 4/13: 16.04 miles, 8:52/mile; 0.7 walking, 16:07/mile. My goal was to get 16 miles. I was going to do it in one whole run, but life happens. Amanda wanted to try for 12 miles, so I did 4 in my hood before meeting with her. We were able to get a good 8 miles together.
    By the time I got home, I had to clean the house to prep for my parents to visit. My last 4 had to wait until the evening. I didn't mind so much because I caught a beautiful sunset at Harrison Pond.
    Harrison Pond.

  • 4/14: REST. My parents came to visit, and we had a great day of hanging out. That evening, Jimmy and I celebrated our anniversary by eating at J. Alexander's and watching Cirque du Soleil.
    Just people watching at a college bar.
  • 4/15: 7.2 miles, 8:20/mile. I let myself sleep in and make breakfast for the family. I decided to run during nap time. Amanda was gracious enough to come all the way to my house for some very wet miles. The rain was coming down hard, the wind was blowing, and the puddles were more like lakes. It was so epic we had to use the New Albany fences to set up the phone to record us running through puddles. Good times.
    In honor of the Boston Marathon, we took a pic by Fenway!

    So. Much. Rain.


I had one f up this week that I sort of regret. I let life (work, family visiting) get in the way of my strength training. I simply didn't make my third workout a priority. I will do better in the future. I have this grand plan that I'm going to bulk up. I mean, if Ryan Hall can do it...why can't I?! I realize that I will have to cut my mileage and make a lot of dietary changes, but that will be my next challenge....maybe full force at the end of this year (IF my BQ time is enough to get me to Boston...otherwise, it's all about the marathon again). Until then, I will start trying different lifting workouts to see what I can do for my body with my current running schedule. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Carmel Recovery Week

Carmel Recovery Week


I told myself, if I had a successful marathon, I would take an extended break from running. My version of an extended break is historically 5 days of no running. There is no rhyme or reason to this number...it's just my number. I realized I hadn't taken a running break since giving birth to Ruthie (when I was forced to take a break for a few days!). To continue with my theme of showing myself some grace, I thought I'd be kind to my body and take a few days off.
March miles.

  • 4/1: 3 walking miles, 14:57/mile. Coach put this post marathon walk on my calendar, but I wasn't sure if I could physically make it happen when I woke up that morning. I generally felt ok, but my right calf was so freaking tight. By the end of the day, I felt tons better and was able to walk with Sophie.
  • 4/2: REST. This was a very intentional rest day. I returned to work and had a fairly busy day. I didn't even have the desire to workout!
    Gift from the bestie.
  • 4/3: Work is super slow, overall, and I had no patients to see today. I had grand plans to clean the house and try to catch a lift session at The Y. My body had other plans. I woke up feeling horribly nauseous. I did my best to help my husband get the kids ready. In the middle of the action, I suddenly had to go to the bathroom. TMI: When I pooped, it sounded like I was peeing. I was pooping liquid. It was disgusting. Unfortunately, I had to go to my PCP to give blood for my yearly physical. I'm still not sure how I made it there safely...and without crapping my pants. When I got back home, I went straight to bed and fell asleep for three more hours. This day consisted of lots of pooping and laying down. It was awful. Also unfortunately, the hubs had to work late and I was a solo parent for a little bit. I had to get off of my stinky ass and drive to Hilliard to pick up the kids. Praise the Lord they were fairly well behaved until daddy got home. I was starting to feel better and was able to do some of my chores before bed.
    A quote that captured my attention this week.
  • 4/4: 2.5 cycling miles, 15:22; Bis/Tris, 45 minutes. I went into this assuming it would feel like crap. I had some left over fatigue from being sick and running that race. I was so freaking slow on the bike! It was hilariously entertaining at the time. I followed that up with a kick ass bis and tris workout. I had to cut my weight just a bit because my body was tired. It felt good to be back at the gym for some lifting.
  • 4/5: 3.12 walking miles, 14:23/mile; Shoulder workout, 45 minutes. I attempted to make myself sore with a good old fashioned shoulder workout. Later that evening, I took Soph for a walk to map out a route for my "Miles and Mimosas" event.
    Another gift from another close friend.
  • 4/6: 4 miles, 10:23/mile. I met up with Katie, Meg, and Asia for a short run to see if my legs still work. There's definitely some fatigue, but no aches or pains!
    Friday crew minus Katie. [ME, Asia, Meg]
  • 4/7: 6.06 miles, 9:44/mile; Chest/Back, 1 hour. I had my "Miles and Mimosas" event this morning. Some friends and I went on a little run followed by mimosas, coffee and snacks. It was a great time chatting it up while inside a warm house.
    Thing 1 and Thing 2.
  • 4/8: 10.07 miles, 9:05/mile. We're calling this my long run for the week. It's usually the most I'll do the week after a marathon. I was pretty happy with how I felt, and I'm really excited for more recovery miles this week.
    Love these people! [Chris, ME, Sarah, Britt]


I want to give a HUGE shout out to some of my speedy friends. Many of them did the Choo Choo 9 miler or the Xenia Marathon and Half Marathon. Goals were met and new PRs were made. From Boston qualifiers to NYC qualifiers!! Most importantly, many of my friends made breakthroughs in their mental game. What an awesome weekend for racing!!

Recent Boston Marathon cut-offs.

A lot has been on my mind since the race. Meeting my BQ goal doesn't feel like I thought it would feel. I thought for sure I'd be on cloud nine for DAYS. I woke up the day after my race and didn't feel any more awesome than I did when I started the race! LOL. Isn't that weird?! I mean, we have these goals and spend all of this time and hard work to obtain them. When we actually meet the goal, it feels good in the moment, but then you just move on. All I can think about is what my next goal might be.

Also, as I mentioned in my last post, my husband encouraged me to increase my BQ cushion to ensure that I make it to the Boston starting line. The thought never crossed my mind. In my head, I was happy with my result despite the possibility of not making it to the race. His persistence with the idea really had me thinking. Do I want to try again before September? If so, when? where? Would I be able to pull off another good marathon this year? UGH. Too many unknowns. I spoke with Amanda and Coach Zach to get some perspectives from experienced runners.
Sometimes we think too much.
These were the options we came up with (based on the fact that I didn't want to race Flying Pig which I am registered for):

-Find an event in late May/early June to race...a pro being that I could carry that momentum and good training through to another good race...a con being potential burnout. Also, do I really think I can improve my time significantly in order to increase my chances of making it to Boston?

-Pick one of the last minute/last chance marathons the weekend before Boston registration. My two options being Erie and Grand Rapids. Pro: It would allow for mental and physical recovery after Carmel and Pig. Con: Loss of mojo, pressure of making it happen.

-Just say "F it!," hope for the best, and plan a fall marathon.

I immediately eliminated option three because I like the idea of doing a marathon just before the fall so that I can possibly focus on doing a half marathon. After four days of weighing my options, I also eliminated option one. I clearly remember experiencing burnout last year. I ran the Little Rock marathon followed by the Carmel marathon. I then had a 50k planned. I ended up skipping out on the 50k because my heart wasn't in completing the distance. I JUST DIDN'T WANNA! I am so fearful that the same would happen if I decided to run another marathon after Pig.

That leaves option two. Although I have not committed, this is what I'm leaning towards. Not only will it allow for recovery, it will give me my third marathon of the year (one of my fitness goals) and allow me to potentially race a half in the fall (which I haven't done in three years).


Anyway, the mind of a runner is unique. No matter what I decide, I'm ready to experience the journey and all of its ups and downs.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Carmel Marathon 2018: PR + BQ

Carmel Marathon 2018: PR + BQ


Another Carmel victory.

The race was set to start at 8 a.m., which meant a little more sleep. I woke up at 5 a.m. for an egg and coffee in hopes that I'd meet all bathroom requirements prior to the start. I spent the next two hours snacking and laying in bed watching old episodes of Jersey Shore.

The temp at the start was supposed to be around 36 degrees with a light wind. I believe it was supposed to be about 10 degrees warmer by the finish with significantly heavier winds. Since it seemed fairly comparable to last year, I opted for shorts, tank, arm warmers, and gloves. I knew it would be a chilly start, but I would thank myself by the end.

I met Sarah, Jen, and Amanda downstairs for the shuttle, and we went our separate ways when we arrived to the start line. They have a super organized gear check at this race, so that was no thang. I saw some CRC friends before the start, and hung out with them until it was go time. Sarah and I found Amanda, who was pacing the 3:30 group, and stayed by her in the corral. There were A LOT of familiar faces at this race! Columbus represented well!!
Start line nerves. [ME, Sarah, man sleep standing]

Star Spangled Banner...5, 4, 3, 2, 1...GO...


I didn't have a true race plan this time. I knew only two things: I was going to try to start conservatively, and I wasn't going to look at my watch. To ensure the latter, I put a piece of duct tape over the top 3/4 of my watch. I wanted to keep the distance available because I knew it would keep me motivated towards the end. Although Amanda was pacing 8 minute miles, I knew she was also starting conservatively with an 8:16 mile. My plan was to stay slightly behind her. At that point, I was just going to see what happened! LOL.

A mile into the run, I was feeling as I should. I wasn't working hard and my legs felt good. It was pretty cold, but I could tell I was warming up. Sometime in this mile, I noticed the 3:35 pacer beside me. I decided to stick with this group to see how things went. In a since, it made me feel like I wasn't truly going watchless because I was with a pace group. On the other hand, you never know how good these pacers are going to be. I decided, instead of making it my goal to stay with him, I would try to stay in the vicinity and simply adjust as my body told me too. The whole goal of the run was to go by feel and listen to my body. Looking back at the stats, I am happy with the mile 1 split [8:15]. It was slightly slower than the intended race pace, and certainly not too fast.

The next few miles seemed to have a good flow. I still felt comfortable and knew my body was still warming up. As I've mentioned in the past, it can take a good 6-8 miles for me to feel warmed up and ready to move. Miles 2-7 were as follows [8:07, 8:10, 8:11, 8:03, 8:15, 8:05]. There must have been some rollers in mile 6 that slowed me down a tad. They advertise this as being a flat course, but it is not. They changed the course this year and said it was flatter...also a lie. LOL. The inclines and hills did not bother me (until the end), but I must note that it wasn't flat! Columbus=flat. Cincy=hilly. Carmel=slightly rolling with flat.
Trying to stay warm pre-race. [Braylon, Chris, Sarah, ME]

In mile 8, I was getting some weird vibes. I wasn't feeling totally comfortable, and I should have been. I mean, it's only mile 8! By mile 9, I was feeling more uncomfortable, I just chalked it up to it being time to fuel. I typically take a total of 6 gels: pre-race, 4, 9, 14, 19, and 23. I felt the struggle even more in mile 10. Some time in this mile, I decided to separate myself just slightly from the pace group. I repeated the phrase "Show yourself some grace." I guess you could say that was my mantra for the race. In my mind, if I hit a rough patch, I would allow my self to slow down a tad, regroup my mental, and keep going. Miles 8-10 were [8:13, 8:09, 8:16].

In mile 11, I felt a little more pep in my step. I was inching closer to the 3:35 pace group again. Because I was feeling better, my confidence sky rocketed. At this point, we were making our way back to the start area. The crowd was growing along with the excitement of race day. I always fear race courses that loop back to the start/finish area at the halfway point because it's so easy to want to quit. Fortunately, the thought never crossed my mind. I was smooth sailing and focused on taking that next gel. Miles 11-15 were [8:02, 8:07, 7:58, 8:02, 8:11]. Mile 15 was a little slower due to the pacer trying to get us back in check since we had some faster miles.
The CRC crew!

The next few miles, I started wearing down just a bit. I had to repeat my mantra several times and allow myself to break away from the pace group. I wasn't sure what pace they were running, but I knew it was too much for me in the moment. I remember telling myself just to make it to mile 19 so that I could take another gel. Maybe the gel would make me feel better. After taking my gel, I didn't feel so hot. I was a little sick and had stomach cramps. I stopped for a couple of seconds to...well...let out some gas. I found out at the hotel that this was actually a shart. Two Carmel Marathons, two shitty panties. Miles 16-19 were [8:18, 8:19, 8:20, 8:29].

It must have been the release of gas and the gel kicking in, because something came over me these next two miles. I never caught back up to the 3:35 pacer, but I could see him in front of me. As he would pass a landmark, I would count the approximate number of seconds I was behind him. I knew he was actually trying to finish in 3:34:40, so I was doing the math in my head to pass the time. Miles 20-21 were [7:59, 8:01]. Wowza! Of course, I didn't know this at the time, but super proud looking back at the data.
Selfie fun/distracting ourselves. [Braylon, Chris, Sarah, ME]

At this point, I kept telling myself I was in the last 10k...less than an hour. I can do this. I knew I was going to do this. I could still see the pacer these next few miles. He was getting further ahead, but I could see his bright yellow shirt and orange camo hat. I also knew that the 3:40 pacer hadn't passed me. I was good. Even if I didn't get to run the Boston Marathon next year, I was still going to be a Boston qualifier. I was so out of it, that this didn't motivate me enough to stay in the low 8s. Miles 22-24 were [8:19, 9:13, 8:38].

We were in a section of the course where we had a slight uphill followed by a sharp turn onto the bike trail which had another slight uphill. We could see all of the runners slower than us pass by. I was looking over to see how far behind the 3:40 pacer was. He was WAY back there! This mixed with the fact that I actually knew where we were (this section was a repeat of the first loop) motivated me to kick it up a notch. I didn't have a lot left, but I had enough to speed up. I tried not to think too much and just run. One foot in front of the other. There were also more spectators at this point. Just when I needed it. Mile 25 was [8:07]!
Sarah is full of surprises. She bought me this magnet before this trip in case I met my goal!

This next mile was tough. I was moving the best I could, but the wind was picking up, and, of course, we were running into it. UGH!! On this course, as you approach the mile 26 marker, you are going uphill. WHY?! Why at the end?! I thought I was dying. My legs started to cramp, but I was too close to think about taking another salt tab. I had to just run through it. Uphill, wind, cramps....none of that mattered...this was for my BQ!!! I tried to forget about it all and get to the top of the hill to round the corner to the finish. Mile 26 was [8:23].

As you round the last corner, it's a straight shot to the finish. The crowd is amazing. All you can do is give it all you got. My watch clocked 26.31 miles for this marathon with my last 0.31 at [7:59] pace. I've never been a weirdo and fist pumped in the air at the end of a race, but I knew I did it. I knew I was a Boston qualifier...but by how much?!
Is this real?!

 I saw Jen and Sarah and embraced them as the tears flowed.
The cry smile.


 I didn't look at the clock as I crossed the finish so had no idea what to expect for my finish time. My head was telling me maybe a 3:38 or high 3:37. I ripped the tape off of my Garmin for it to reveal:

EEEEK!! More happy tears! Official results:


After the initial shock wore off, it was a game of finding as many friends as possible to see how the day fared for them. Then it was a race to get back to the hotel for a hot shower by checkout! I am SO thankful for everyone who was there. There was a crew from CRC, some close girlfriends, the LC girls, and my friend, Chris and his son. Columbus represented well!!

I've had two great experiences with this race and would love to return again. I'm still in slight denial of my result, but I knew I could do it some day. My only unknown at this point is if my 3 minute 10 second cushion will be enough to actually get to the Boston start line. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until mid-September to find out!!
The classic stopping the Garmin at the finish pic.

About to cross the finish!!

The hubs is cracking me up a bit because, in my opinion, he wants me to go to Boston next year more than I do! LOL. He asked me if I wanted to run another marathon to try to improve my time (he asks me this when I get home yesterday!). Umm...I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not thinking about racing any time soon!

And then I get on google.

Carmel Week 18 + Race Eve Fun

Taper Week and Race Eve

A gift from Sarah that I've been meditating on all week.

So, I promised Zach I would follow his training without question. That included an 8 mile MP run during race week. I have never done it before. I'm not questioning it in any form or fashion, I've just never done it. Here's a very quick recap of my training week leading up to race day:
  • 3/26: 5.12 miles, 8:49/mile; Shoulder/Stability Workout, 45 minutes.  I met Amanda in Westerville for a BFF run. The main thing I remember is wind...so much wind! We kept it easy peasy and tried to enjoy each other's company.
    [Amanda, ME]
  • 3/27: 8 miles, 8:23/mile. Workout goal: 1 up, 2 MP, 1 HP, 3 MP, 1 down. I got through the first half and felt like crap. My legs were great, but it felt like it was 10,000 degrees in that gym. I was sweating like never before. I took a quick break to regroup. As I started again, it felt hotter. I ended up doing random intervals, going between MP and easy. I still ran the same amount of MP mileage stated, but with an occasional quarter mile recovery. I started doing a Bi/Tri workout, but was whooped. I changed my mind and left the gym to rest.
    I held it for one whole second. LOL.
  • 3/28: 3.5 miles, 9:08/mile; Chest/Back, 30 minutes. I felt great today, kept it super easy, and lifted my favorite muscle groups!
    Not all of my poses look pretty, but I like this one.
  • 3/29: REST. Coach told me complete and total rest today.
  • 3/30: 2.41 miles, 8:52/mile. Today's shakeout included three strides. I was lucky enough to have Britt join me for a pep talk. I thought I was doing a good job of staying hydrated this week, but I woke up with a horrible calf cramp on two occasions last night! IT WAS AWFUL!!!
    Don't you hate when your watch tells you to move AFTER you just finished a run?!


I woke up Friday morning excited to get going. No nerves, just excitement. I was going to run another marathon the next day!! After meeting Brittaney for my shakeout, I came home to help the hubs get the kids ready and said my good-byes. I had mixed emotions of missing my little boogers and party mode. LOL.
Selfie fun before I part ways with my boy.

I left mid morning to scoop up Jen V-S, head to Amanda's, and set off on that boring (not so boring with friends), short trip to Indy. After checking into our hotel, we headed to the expo. The expo is super duper small at Carmel, but I'm not really an expo person. I want my bib, maybe a shirt, and the option to buy things I might have left home.
These girls are ready! [Jen, ME, Amanda]

It didn't take long for the laughs to start piling in. Amanda was mistaken for a man named Jonathan, we made friends with a guy at the pace band table to find out later he was married and his wife gave us all the fun looks (she ended up being super nice after she warmed up to us), and we were surprised by a man joining in on our kettle corn conversation and making us feel bad for not buying some. I also can't forget the fun-making regarding a shirt Amanda and I bought:
There is a debate...cute or not cute?!

We had some time to kill before Sarah and Nicole arrived for dinner, so we hit up this delicious coffee shop in Carmel. They had yummy pour over and scones. I opted for Ethiopian beans while Jen went for Kenyan. We then debated who would be faster (Duh, Jen is faster, but Ethiopians have ruled lately).
So delicious!

We ended up eating at Bub's Burgers (same place Amanda and I ate at last year). I can't do pasta/Italian the night before or my belly will hate me. I'm a burger, fries, and one beer kind of girl. We decided to be boring and head back to the hotel for rest after dinner. Because I wasn't nervous, I slept fairly well that night. Marathon number eight was a few short hours away!!!