Operation Eat the $#!t Out of Protein
So, I have this grand idea that my skinny body is going to get big. I've tried this before, but not in a serious manner. I know this is mostly due to the amount of running I do. For now, I have no plans to cut my miles. Let's be real, I have marathons I've committed to running. I figured I would start getting in the habit of eating the crap out of food so that it will be second nature by the time I can cut my mileage.
As far as the diet part is concerned, I researched foods in which I can get the biggest bang for my buck regarding protein content. I know meats...duh. Getting protein for dinner has never been an issue. Breakfast is tough for me because I'm not hungry right away. I've had to force myself to eat something before leaving the house for work. My job is pretty perfect for a high protein diet, because I can eat a snack after each patient I see (I do home health PT so I drive from patient to patient). This week, I have brought a ton of small snacks in addition to a sandwich for lunch. This has allowed me to get a lot of protein during the work day. My daily goal is at least my body weight in grams of protein. In reality, I'd like to be around 150 grams.
I bought some "unflavored" protein powder to see if I could tolerate the taste better than the vanilla that Jimmy uses. |
The lifting part of it is the easiest adjustment. I've already been lifting at least 3 times a week for the past almost two years. Before that, I enjoyed lifting, but it was very spotty. I'd go several days or even weeks without a lift session. I will try to add one more day of lifting when I can, but definitely stick to at least three per week. Rather than make stuff up when I go, I've been looking up workouts by fitness models and body builders. This allows me to go into the gym with more intention.
- 4/23: 5.01 miles, 9:22/mile; Bis/Tris, 40 minutes. I was so happy for an easy run. I was worn out from my Sunday shenanigans. After Highbanks and mowing, my legs were toast. After work, I had just enough time to lift before picking up the kids.
- 4/24: 6 miles, 10:06/mile. A run with Meg was long overdue. We met in New Albany for a wet 6 miles. It was nice catching up...although, catching up was mostly me venting about work.
How do you like the glasses?! I had to reserve my last two pairs of contacts until I received my new ones in the mail. - 4/25: 3.05 miles, 8:25/mile; 5 miles, 8:28/mile; Chest/Back, 50 minutes. I slept HORRIBLY the night before. I had plans to get 5 extra solo miles at 5 am before meeting Sarah at 5:45 am for her taper speed workout. Of course, that didn't happen. I chose to sleep the extra 45 minutes in hopes that I'd have the opportunity to run in the afternoon or evening. Fortunately, a change in my work scheduled freed up some time for me to run AND lift before picking up the kids! WIN. I ended up doing a mile warm up, 12 x 1 min at 7:19/mile with 1 minute recovery at 8:57/mile, and cool down to 5 miles. It felt so good and got me excited for my races coming up.
I stole this from a friend's IG account. It pretty much describes me 65% of the time. - 4/26: REST. Today was a freaking crazy day. I simply had no time for a workout. It was a running rest day for me. I had 8 patients to see for work (which is an insane day), and had to be somewhere at 4:30 pm to sign paperwork to close on the house we sold. When we finally got home, it was dinner, cleaning house, and packing for three people (kids were going to Grandma's and I was going to Illinois).
Sometimes...every time...you see something at Target and have to buy it. - 4/27: 7 miles, 9:06/mile. After seeing one patient, Amanda and I set off to Illinois so she could participate in the Illinois Marathon. I love when I have the opportunity to go on these trips as a spectator! I had planned to wake up early for my long run, but I am never motivated to wake up to run at 5 am alone. I ended up getting some miles on the treadmill at the hotel. I ran just under 7 miles so I made up the rest the next day chasing after Amanda.
- 4/29: 12 miles, 8:30/mile; 3.5 walking miles, 1 hour 45 minutes. I finally got in the long run and mowing the yard. It meant missing out on a baby sprinkle and Bible Study, but life happens and adulting doesn't stop. Even though I'm not racing Flying Pig to my fullest extent, I wanted to check in with marathon pace. I haven't intentionally attempted any since my last marathon. Workout goal: 6 easy, 5 MP, 1 easy. I never looked at my pace while running, and just tried to feel it out.
Marathon #9 coming soon!
Fairly consistent with my MP mile attempts.
I did a pretty good job getting my protein this week. I worry that the monotony of it will get to me, though. Only time will tell.
I am SOOOOO excited to run Flying Pig next weekend! It will be a more challenging course (hilly), but I'm hoping to help a friend get his first sub 4 hour marathon. The thought is exciting!