Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Monday, September 26, 2016

BMB: Week 1 and RR

Building My Base and Ruthie Randoms

Crazy hair, don't care!
I have 6 weeks left until marathon training officially starts. Since I'm just 6 weeks postpartum, these weeks will be all about building up my base mileage. Since my body has been through the wringer the past 6 months, I'm being cautious and forgiving in my return to running. I know this may be shocking to some, but I have no training program that I am currently following. I'm just doing what the hell I feel like doing...AND IT'S AWESOME!
My current long run is 7 miles (which is what I've done the past two weeks) with my goal being 10 miles by the end of October. I'm also becoming more brave about committing to runs with my faster friends. I just have to make sure I plan to rest the next day!
Here's how I fared this week:
  • 9/19: REST. After accomplishing my longest run the day before and committing to run with Marion on Tuesday, I knew I would need to rest today!
  • 9/20: 6 miles, 8:55/mile. My first run with one of my besties since before my accident. Marion needed an easy run and provided that! LOL. Those first few miles were so hard (cardiovascularly). It's crazy how much fitness I lost those three months I wasn't allowed to run even though I worked my butt off at the gym. I was excited to see my average pace when we finished. I know my body can't tolerate running at that pace for every run right now, but I'll call it my speed workout for the week!
    It's about damn time! A run with Marion!!
  • 9/21: REST. Needed to rest my body after yesterday.
    A return to work meant extra cuddles with my girl.
  • 9/22: 4.01 miles, 9:17/mile. Big Brother is to blame for me not getting to meet some friends for an early run. I opted to sleep in a bit and run later in the morning. I almost made this run even shorter because the first half mile was challenging, but I eventually warmed up. Never judge a run by the first mile!
  • 9/23: 7 miles, 8:58/mile. I was going to meet a group for 5@5, but Ruthie had me up at 2:45 and I knew a couple of the group members were starting at 4:30. I opted to meet them for their start. We had to run 3 miles from the starting point to pick up the next group of girls. Since I knew I'd be getting at least 6 miles, I thought I might as well get my long run out of the way and do seven. I didn't pay attention to the pace because these girls would normally be my training partners (when I'm in shape) which means they are way too fast for me right now! I just pretended we were running mid 9s. To my surprise, our average was just under 9 minutes! I was excited but I totally wanted to quit after 6 miles. It's the cardio...so hard to get it back after a forced vaca from running.
    Love my new mug from Second Sole!
  • 9/24: REST. I wanted to run 3-4 miles in the late afternoon, but I had a horrible day. I was super depressed and just didn't have the heart for a fun run.
    Impatiently waiting for the Hogs to play...just to see them lose.
  • 9/25: 6.1 miles, 9:16/mile. My friend, Megan, posted something about running at Highbanks, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. It is one of the few places in Columbus with decent hills AND it trails through the beautiful woods. One of our crew has a marathon in a couple of weeks and wanted to avoid tripping, so we opted for paved options. It was nice running with some of my favorites again. I'm SLOWLY getting back to normal and can tolerate some runs with my old training partners. I think appropriate rest is the key for me right now.
    Hills? What Hills?! [Megan, Dani, ME, Brooke]
Finally, I have to say that I'm SUPER EXCITED about the Little Rock Marathon in March. An old cross country friend and I thought it would be fun to reunite our high school cross country team for the race. We started our little Facebook page to try to get the others interested in the idea! I REALLY hope we can make this happen. Crossing my fingers that people commit!!
Ruthie Randoms:
-She finally pooped after 7 days...at least it wasn't at church this time.
A little German Village Coffee Shop before church.
-She got to spend a few days with Grandma Spaid and is pretty crazy about her.
Napping with Grandma.
-We broke out her "jungle gym" and she dances like a fool to the music.
James is so excited to play with his sister!
-We found a pacifier that works for her.
-She's moved up to 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Ruthie Mae at 1 month

Ruthie is so different from her brother. James was always so slow to hit milestones. I had many first time mom freak outs with him! Ruthie is much more vocal than James and quite the diva about which position she is laying in at any given moment. I love this booger so much and can't wait to see how she develops!
Potential 1 month milestones:
  • Raises head when lying on stomach- CHECK!
  • Holds head up briefly when supported- DEFINE BRIEFLY.
  • Briefly watches and follows objects with eyes- CHECK!
  • Avoids mildly annoying sensations (i.e. placement of cloth on face)- CHECK!
  • Some "noise in throat" sounds- CHECK!
  • Social smiling- I caught 1 or 2 smiles before she turned one month (except for post meal smiles).
  • Responds to loud noises- CHECK! (Hello, we have a loud mouth Aussie)
  • Makes happy noises- She makes a lot of noises...just not sure which are happy.
  • Moves arms and legs- CHECK!

  • LOVES milk
  • likes chest to chest naps
  • HATES stoplights and traffic (gets that from daddy)
  • Sleeps 2 1/2-5 hours at a time
  • Dislikes swaddling
  • VERY infrequent pooper
  • Enjoys walks and runs in the stroller

Sunday, September 18, 2016

DTHT: Weeks 3 & 4

Delivery to Half Training

My beagle always looks so thrilled about life.
These are the last two weeks of me getting my body used to running again before I officially start half marathon training. What does that really mean?! It just means that I have 12 weeks until race day.
I do have a half scheduled in December, but I have no real expectations for my performance...at least not yet. I also have no intentions of incorporating intentional speed work. My main focus is building my base mileage. I would like to be able to run at least 10 miles by the time I start full marathon training (October 31st). I have a couple of smaller races scheduled between now and my half that should give me a decent idea of what I might be capable of running.
So, basically, I have no real plan the next several weeks except for long run distance goals.
  • 9/5: Team Isaiah 5k. 1 mile warm up (10:31/mile), 3.5 mile race (9:50/mile). Ran with Ruthie in tow!
    Ruthie is ready to race!
  • 9/6: REST.
  • 9/7: 5.21 miles, 9:31/mile. Ran with my dear friend, Ellen, and some more awesome ladies. This is my highest mileage to date. I remember it feeling slightly difficult, and I was praying that it was in the 9s!
  • 9/8: 5.01 miles, 9:29/mile. MONTHLY DONUT RUN with my running sisters. Again, slightly difficult because of the weather, but I can tell my body is getting used to it. Still no pain!
    Just because pic. I love sweet cuddles with my babe.
  • 9/9: REST.
  • 9/10: 5 stroller miles, 10:46/mile. The night before, I was given a free entry into a 5k over the weekend. My goal for today was to attempt 6 miles, but I changed my plan so that I could run faster at the 5k. I packed up Ruthie and met the New Albany girls for some easy miles!
    Post run yummies at Starbucks
  • 9/11: Run Like a Girl 5k. 3.09 stroller miles, 9:15/mile. Again, I ran with Ruthie for a tour through downtown. I was shocked that my first mile was sub 9! We had a lot of fun and I felt the effects of my hard work shortly after we finished!
    A gentleman made up an award for me...1st in the stroller division!
  • 9/12: REST. I REALLY needed a rest day after that race!
  • 9/13: 4.01 miles, 8:47/mile. MY BIRTHDAY! For my birthday miles, I was looking to run with some of my most beloved running buddies who I knew could push me to run in the 8s. After running that faster stroller race, I knew I could handle 4 miles sub 8. What I didn't anticipate was running that pesky Emerald hill in Dublin! Since Theresa had no pace requirement (because she killed a marathon two days prior), I decided to slow her down for a day! I felt great the first 2.5 until we hit the hill. I was crap after that...SO close to NOT getting sub 9 for those miles (8:59, 8:57).
    Birthday miles with Theresa!

  • 9/14: 4.31 stroller miles, 10:13/mile. I took my girl on a morning stroll through the neighborhood. It was so freaking humid that I had to strip my shirt. I just couldn't care that I was jiggling all over the place.
    It's too hot to care about what's under your shirt.
  • 9/15: 6.77 walking miles, 15:09/mile. I met my girl Jackie at the O trail for some bonding time. She just had her babe two weeks ago so we had a lot to complain about (and also share joy about!).
  • 9/16: REST.
  • 9/17: 3.76 stroller miles, 10:18/mile. Super annoyed that I missed my planned morning run. I had a tight schedule and the weather screwed things up a bit. I opted for a shorter afternoon run with Roop in hopes I could fit in my long run the following day.
    She's over all of this picture taking.
  • 9/18: 7miles, 9:29/mile. Longest run so far. I was only planning six this week, but my friend Meggie (who also just had a baby) was going for 7. I thought, why not?! I wanted to quit after about 5 miles!! It was so humid. I honestly don't know how I survived the last two miles at our goal pace. I didn't have any pain until we stopped and I noticed my pelvis was just a little sore. I started getting sore a couple hours later! PATHETIC!!
    I loved coming home to this sweet boy!

Say what?!
So, running aside, I have only two more days at home with my sweet, gassy girl (who pooped on my face at church today). I have already been made aware that work is cray cray right now so I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. I'm just not ready to leave my girl.

Monday, September 12, 2016

3 for 1 Race Report

Schneider's 5k Donut Run/Team Isaiah 5k/Run Like a Girl 5k

The New Albany girls at RLAG.
   You didn't think I could go that long without registering for something, did you?! You are CRAZY if that crossed your mind. Whether for fun or for serious self competition, I need to do races to keep me motivated and excited about running. The fact that I had three in about a week was completely circumstantial. I'll give you guys a quick synopsis of each of them.
Schneider's 5k Donut Run:
A fellow Westerville runner posted this run on Facebook. Schneider's is my favorite local donut shop so I had to jump on the opportunity! The course was on the trails at Hoff Park in Westerville so I was very familiar with the course...flat and just one small section of gravel-like trail through the trees.
To decrease the stress on the hubs, I decided I would stroller run with one of the kiddos. James and I share the same love of donuts (and racing) so I knew I had to take my boy to this one. He was so excited to watch the runners and eat donuts!!

At the start line (back of the pack) with my boy!
I went into this race having 5 runs under my belt ranging from 2-4 miles and pace 9:50-12+ minutes/mile...none of them stroller runs. Obviously, I had no expectation for my performance. As long as I got to eat a donut with James, I was going to be happy!
Because of the stroller, I had to start at the back of the pack. I spent the first quarter mile passing folks and trying to find my place in the pack. As I settled into what felt like a comfortable pace, we started having fun waving to people and saying hi to our fellow runners. Mile 1 clocked in at [9:34] which, in my head, seemed too fast with the stroller. I still felt ok but decided to chill out a bit. We made our first turn and started looping back around the park and into the trail section.
The course was definitely short because I took the wrong turn out of the trail  (OOPS) and added some extra to my final distance of 3.07 miles. Mile 2 was [10:03] and mile 3 [10:19]. The last half mile was tough and showed in my split. I intentionally slowed down the second mile but the third was pure fatigue!

Post race donut action!
I was pleasantly surprised at my overall average [9:59/mile] considering I was pushing James (approx. 50+ lbs. with him/stroller/crap in stroller). Best of all, James had a blast and we bonded over racing and eating donuts!
Team Isaiah 5k-ish:
The background of this one is way more important than my actual race experience. Our church friends lost their precious son, Isaiah, 2 years ago. He would have been 5 this year. This was the first annual celebration of his life through a weekend of activities. We started Labor Day off with a 5k beginning at our church (Northwest Church of the Naz) and going to Antrim Park, around the lake, up the trail a bit, and back to the church. As many times as I've run the O-trail, I have never run around Antrim lake. 

Ruthie is ready to roll!
I was by myself after the first 0.75 miles because I was stroller running with Ruthie and my friends were much faster. It was very peaceful that morning...very cool out and the sun was in the process of rising. A very cool moment to share with Ruthie and thank the Lord for her health and well-being.
Because I lost the main crew, I wasn't completely sure where to turn from the lake to the trail. I missed the chalk on the ground and went all the way down to the dock. That added a good 0.4 miles to my race! I ended with 3.5 miles at 9:50 pace.

All tuckered out.
Again, I was super happy with the outcome. I went slightly further and faster than I did at the donut run two days earlier (sure, my load was slightly smaller this time...the course had some good inclines though...and I also ran my distance PR of 5 miles the day between my races!). I'm hoping to make this race a tradition in the following years!

Fun with friends at Isaiah's celebration.
Run Like a Girl 5k:
This was a completely spontaneous thing. I did not register for this race or intend to run it. A fellow runner posted that she had 3 free entries to give away and I just happened to be one of the first three to respond! Although the 10k was tempting, I didn't want to die (especially since I knew I'd be stroller running with one of the kiddos). After putting this on my running schedule, I opted for 5 miles the day before rather than my goal of 6.

Ready for action.
At the start, they lined us up according to intended pace. I was so glad I wasn't forced to the back of the pack simply because I had a stroller. Of course, I had no clue what I'd be able to do. Honestly, I was a little tired from my long run the day before. I decided to line up near the 10 minute milers in hopes I could hold that pace.
The course ran through downtown Columbus and included the occasional incline. The only one that felt like a hill was in the last quarter mile or so as we turned the corner at COSI and headed up Rich Street to the finish. I started feeling tired the last half mile and wasn't thrilled about finishing uphill. (I know, I know...the hill lover is complaining about the incline...I'm just not used to them yet!). I thought I was going to die until a gentleman yelled out "There goes the top stroller runner!" It gave me just enough energy to get to the finish with a smile.

All smiles post race.
The only time I looked at my watch during the race was after mile one. When I saw that I ran [8:49] for that mile, I was shocked! How on Earth did I do that while pushing Ruthie...and I felt great! I didn't get tired until the later in the last mile. When I finished, I saw that my average was 9:15/mile! I couldn't believe it!!! I was on top of the world.

I don't have any other races planned until the end of October. I'll actually get to run that one sans stroller and hopefully get an idea of my fitness level. I'm loving running right now because I can do whatever the heck I want with no pressure to perform a certain way. When you start all over, there is only room for improvement...not a whole lot of disappointment coming my way lately! I'll save that for next year. LOL. I'm looking forward to more runs with friends as I discover my place in the running world again. Next goal: Increasing my postpartum distance PR to 6 miles!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

DTHT: My First Two Weeks of Running

Delivery to Half Training

In my last post, I admitted to you guys that I tried running. Even though "they" tell you to wait 4 weeks, my doc (knowing I'm an avid runner) has always instructed me to listen to my body. I told you guys in my last post that I started with quarter mile intervals. Wanting to play it safe, I walked the next day and attempted half mile running intervals the day after that...still no pain or woman issues. I decided I would continue this pattern of running intervals one day and walking the next until I felt I was safe enough to run at least 3 miles in one session.

My first "run."
Well, that didn't last long! Two days after running the half mile intervals, I wanted to try to run a mile without walking. One mile turned into two (10:31 pace). It was a little tough, but I had no significant pain. There were no more walking days after this. I could tell my body, mostly my ankle, needed the rest day in between running attempts. Since that two mile run, I have progressed as follows:
  • 8/27: 3.14 miles, 9:59 pace. I ran in New Albany with the Saturday crew. They definitely pushed me to go faster than I would have run if I were alone.
    NA gals and milk boobs.
  • 8/28: REST.
  • 8/29: 3.12 miles, 12:23 pace. I ran, again, with a group in New Albany. At this point, I was feeling confident about the 3 mile distance. I was trying to decide when to attempt to go four miles.
    These sweet gals let me tag along.
  • 8/30: 4.10 miles, 9:50 pace. This run was beyond any expectation I had at this point. I met Amanda that evening at Highbanks. For those not familiar, it's a metro park in Columbus with running trails (some paved, some gravel). It's also one of the few places in Columbus with decent hills. I was really nervous about running here, especially with Amanda. I love hills but hadn't run them since before my accident in March. And, well, Amanda is blazing fast so I didn't want to slow her down too much. I decided to go ahead and attempt 4 miles. Why I decided to do this on my most difficult course yet, I have no idea. It ended up being an amazing run that I was very proud of! It was so hard, but refreshing at the same time.
    I might be smiling, but I was also dying inside!
  • 8/31: REST. No matter how I felt, I was forcing myself to rest today.
  • 9/1: 4.07 miles, 10:12 pace. I decided to attempt four miles again. I was trying to find a group that was running in the mid 9s but that didn't work in my favor. I knew I would push myself more with other people. You can see with my pace that I wasn't in the mood to run that pace. Honestly, I think my body was tired from my run two days ago. I couldn't get it to go any faster.
  • 9/2: REST. Racing the next day meant I should take today off to rest my body.
  • 9/3: Schneider's 5k Donut Run (pushed James in the stroller for this race). 1.03 mile warm up, 9:44 pace; 3.07 mile race, 10 minute pace.
    I was reminded of how heavy James is while pushing him!
    I wasn't sure what to expect, especially since I was pushing James. I knew I would try hard but wasn't planning to go all out. I mean, I did just have a baby three weeks ago! I was pleasantly surprised with the result because I felt like a slug. P.S. This was the first run I had in which my ankles did not bother me! I think it's because I didn't wear my old Saucony's. The new ones arrived later that day!
    Slam that donut, James!
  • 9/4: 5 miles, 10:23 pace. Since I felt ok after yesterday's race, I decided I wanted to attempt 5 miles. I joined a group doing their long run with a goal of 10 minute pace.  I wasn't super nervous about being able to run 5 miles, but I was nervous about being able to do it at whatever pace they were going. I felt like I could have run longer, but I'm trying not to push the distance to quickly. I have plenty of time to build my endurance again.
    My sweet friend, Mary. She was kind enough to include me in the first 5 miles of her 21 miler...YES, she ran 21 miles! I cannot fathom that right now!
As I look at my progression the past week and a half, it really is beyond any expectation I had for myself. I'd be lying if I wasn't slightly disappointed, but I know I have to start somewhere. I also realize my body unintentionally had to take three months off of running. So frustrating to lose all of that hard earned fitness, but that's my journey. I have three different non-stroller races planned for the fall that will give me an idea of my fitness and progression. My goal races really don't start until the spring, but, as a long time runner, it's difficult for me not to be hard on myself! All in all, I'm just happy to be on the road again.
Just because. It's hard to catch her smiling on camera because her smiles usually come right after she eats. We can't have any nip pics, people!