Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Sunday, January 31, 2016

D.O.A.P.: 11 weeks

Diary of a Prunner

What an awesome running week! I'm feeling tremendously better but still have days when I feel very fatigued. You can see it in my pace on those days. I also think I have a better attitude this week because I haven't been stuck on the treadmill. I'm starting to get over my fear of committing to runs with friends because I may or may not be able to keep up. I just make sure I know the area or route so that I have the option of slowing down if I need to.

I met my mileage goal again this week and ended with 42.8 miles. This also marks the end of January so I had to add up my monthly mileage. I was shocked at how many miles I ran this month. I ran a whopping:

I couldn't believe it. I mean, I ran 180+ miles seven of twelve months last year and I was marathon training all year. Maybe I'm just trying to make up for what I won't be able to do in my near future!

1/25/16: 5 miles, 8:39 average pace, treadmill. This would have been a perfect day to run outside! I was so used to packing for the gym that I didn't think to pack outdoor running clothes. There was no way I was running in shorts and short sleeve! I had to settle for the mill which motivated me to stop before I needed to! I just did a progressive run starting at 6.7 mph and ending at 7.3 mph.
1/26/16: REST. I realized that Monday was my 6th day in a row of running. That's usually a sin in Lisa's running bible. I know a bunch of people who can do it but my body can't handle it when I'm training for a race. I can't believe my pregnant body allowed me to do it! (of course, I'm not training for a race so that might be the difference...easier miles!)
1/27/16: 6.04 miles, 8:15 average pace. I think I might call this my speed work for the week! LOL. Also, 3:50 a.m. wake up call?! Shoot me. It was nice to have Marion, Dani, and Karen this morning. They really motivated me. The first couple miles were rough but I finally found my stride and was actually very comfortable! NO NAUSEA AT ALL!!! It was an amazing feeling. Hoping to have more days like this in my future.
[Karen, Me, Dani, Marion]
1/28/16: 7 miles, 9:03 average pace. My only goal today was to run as many of the Dublin inclines as I could in 7 miles. I found one crazy person who could meet me at 4:45 a.m. to get it done. Thanks, Megan! We got off to a slow start...complaining about it being cold and windy. Somehow we managed our slowest miles going downhill! That's a little backwards!! We found our stride the last 4 miles and ended with some 8:40's and 8:50's.
1/29/16: 11 miles, 8:54 average pace. Y'all, this was so tough. I ran the first 8 miles solo. It was so chilly and windy. I was bundled up except for my face. It was frozen. I had no idea it snowed overnight. It wasn't a lot but enough to put a thin layer on the sidewalks and trails. The areas without the snow were pretty slick. I was a very cautious runner today. I honestly don't know how I made it up the hills. I felt like a snail. I averaged just 9:09 min/mile for this section of my run. Thank goodness Christine joined me for my last three. Because of her, my average snuck under 9 minutes. We averaged 8:15 for our last three, sneaking in a sub 8 mile. The girl killed me! I left this run feeling discouraged. I was happy with the ending but frustrated that I felt so awful. Happy that I finally ran more than 10 miles but annoyed that it took all that I could give to get it done.
Sweat: The girl who kicked my a$$.
1/30/16: 8.17 miles, 8:20 average pace. I loved everything about this run! I met Dani and Marion for a pre grub run (we met with some friends for calories at Be Fit CafĂ© afterwards). Since I felt so awful yesterday, I assumed today wouldn't be any better. I took my chances anyway. I just made sure I sort of knew the route in case I needed to back off a bit. I was shocked at how great I felt the first couple of miles...that's usually when I struggle the most. It was a bit windy in the beginning but the sun was shining beautifully! The further we ran, the better I felt. I was a new person today. We had some solid splits [8:30, 8:23, 8:38, 8:23, 8:17, 8:01, 8:11, 8:13]. I got a little emotional when we were finished. I mean, it felt SO easy. I was just stunned about the difference that I felt from the day before. NEVER LET ONE WORKOUT DEFINE YOU!!!
My people. [Me, Theresa, Dani, Amanda, Marion, Jackie]
1/31/16: 5.58 miles, 8:42 average pace. Odd distance, I know, but I wanted to make my monthly miles an even number. I'm not anal about numbers or anything. I ran 3.58 solo with the thought that my beagle would be able to run 2 miles with me. I ended up doing only one mile with her. She was just too wild for me. Her sniffer was stronger than her desire to run. She's historically a great running partner but we haven't done it in a while. Guess I'll have to retrain the pooch. One more thing: SHORTS! It was 56 degrees! Quite windy, but I was sweating in shorts!!!
You know it's a good day when you get to wear shorts and a tee. I'm just glad I didn't pass out and have to get rescued because my legs could have used a razor.

There's a bump...promise!
How Far Along: 11 weeks, 4 days
What Baby Boo Deux is Up To: Pretty boring this week. Apparently it's the size of a fig which means absolutely nothing to me.
Weight Gain: I actually haven't been to the gym to weigh myself. We have no scale at home. I feel like I've gained some weight!
Symptoms: Same stuff with decreased intensity. I did start taking B6 more often this week so that might be helping with some of my nausea.
Cravings/Aversions: We had Pizza Hut Friday night. I'm not a huge fan of their pizza but I LOVE their breadsticks and pasta. It tasted so good to me that I've been wanting it everyday.
Coming Up: Next appointment on Feb 9th.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

D.O.A.P.: 10 Weeks

Diary of a Prunner

SOOO cold this week. The exact reason only one of my runs was outside! I've been such a wuss this year.

I'm becoming a little more positive as the weeks go by. With James, I was sick for about 11 weeks. I'm hoping this little one's vicious attack on my body will end soon!
I really needed a week like this after my race fail last Sunday. Sure, I felt like crap a lot but I had two really good runs that did a good thing for my confidence. I ended the week with 41.5 miles! Right now, I'm at peace that 10 miles might be my limit for a long run until I get through this trimester. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to run longer when I feel better.

Only if you're a male. I always want to high five the women that run around me. If you are a man, a sneak a peak at your speed and go faster! I know you aren't running as long as me. If I go faster, that just means I went longer and faster. Sorry, dudes. HA!!

  • 1/18/16: 4 miles, 8:49 average pace, treadmill. I was so tired. Even though I didn't feel like I ran that hard at my race, my body felt as if it did run a race. I always have good intentions never to do less than 6 miles, but it wasn't happening today.
  • 1/19/16: REST.
  • 1/20/16:10.5 miles, 8:43 average pace, treadmill. I can't believe I ran more than 7 miles on the treadmill and didn't hate it. I got distracted by ESPN and American Pickers. I felt so awesome during this run. When I realized I felt I could go forever today, I picked up my pace towards the end because I knew I had to stop by 3:30 pm to pick up James. It's always a bummer when I feel like I can run my 12-14 mile long run goal but don't have time to make it happen. I was still happy about double digits!! That hasn't happened in a week and a half.
  • 1/21/16: 7 miles, 8:19 average pace, treadmill. Another great run! I had an awful start to my day. When I got to the gym, I sat in my car trying to will myself to go in. I actually fell asleep for 1+ hours! LOL. When I woke up, I felt a lot better mentally. Physically, I wasn't sure if I could do it. The first mile was rough but a second wind hit me. I put the mill at 6.8 for mile 1 and increased a notch every mile for 5 miles (progressed from 8:49 to 8:20). I ran mile 6 at 8 minute pace thinking it would be my last mile. I felt so great that I decided to do one more mile. I just increased my pace every quarter mile to distract me (progressing from 7:53 to 7:30 pace).
  • 1/22/16: 5 miles, 8:56 average pace, you guessed it...treadmill. My body told me I needed an easy day. I considered resting but that's just rubbish. I was just thinking about how much I wanted to get at least 40 miles this week. The first half mile was tough but my legs were good after that! I think I was inspired by the elderly man running laps around the indoor track. It brought a smile to my face every lap. :)
  • 1/23/16: 10 miles, 8:57 average pace, treadmill. I wanted double digits. The first 6 felt great but then I was getting nauseous. I stopped to switch to a treadmill with a fan which seemed to help a little. Miles 7-8 were rough, but my last two were ok. I then went home and ate the following: a bacon and egg biscuit with a side of hashbrowns from Bob Evans and THREE donuts. OMG, I'm ashamed to admit this out loud. It was so freaking delish and I want more. In my defense, the donuts were on the small side. Hehehe.
    This is from Mrs. Renison's in Marysville, OH. Cake donut with chocolate frosting. The sprinkles are just a diabetic bonus.
  • 1/24/16: 5 miles, 10:08 average pace. I was able to join some of my favorites that I don't typically get to run with. I didn't want any more than 6 miles today and needed to be home by 8 a.m. I joined some of Westerville's finest at the beginning of their long run. I really didn't want to venture into the cold but I'm so glad I did! I'm sure the wind chill was single digits but I layered myself up: 2 pairs of tights, 4 layers up top, and lots of headgear! It was a great way to end my training week.
    Such an awesome group of ladies. They have some big goals this year, and I can't wait for them to be successful!! [Front: Megan, Tracey, Me; Back: Maria, Sarah, Jenny, Nicole, Ellen]

 How Far Along: 10 weeks, 4 days
What Baby Boo Deux is Up To: The prune is developing knees and ankles (for running, of course!). It's stomach is starting to function...getting ready for those running GI issues!
Weight Gain: 2 lbs. (current: 114 lbs.) I'm still wanting to eat everything in sight. I'm having trouble thinking of things to eat during the work day to satisfy my hunger (remember, I travel for work so have to eat from my car...ideas are welcome).  
Symptoms: nausea, fatigue, constipation...oh my! I fell asleep in my car after eating lunch the other day. Don't worry...I was parked.
Cravings/Aversions: Still can't do coffee, and coke is limited. This week, I was dying to eat a baked potato (made me think of my friend, Lynn!).
Coming Up: Next appointment on Feb 9th.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Broke Man's Winter Warm Up

I love the hashtag on our race "medals." It's exactly how I felt after not being able to finish my intended distance.

I wrote this amazing race report only to turn around and have it disappear. To be honest, I'm in no mood to give another recap with the same level of awesomeness. In my best Arkansas voice, "I ain't got time for that crap." So, you get the suckier, not as entertaining version of my experience.

Pre-race with some of my favorites. [Me and my crazy a$$ hair, Emily, Megan, Tracey]
  • Race: You had the option of 3.5 miles, 7 miles, or half marathon. Rumor has it that the 7 miler was closer to 7.4-something. The half course started with the 3.5 mile loop then took most of that loop again before splitting off for the extra mileage. It was mostly paved trail but had it's fair share of frozen goose poop-sicles by the river. It also had rolling inclines which is always a love of mine.
  • Goal: On a good day (meaning no first trimester nausea and fatigue), I wanted to get 1:50 for the half. It's 10 minutes slower than my PR but I thought it was doable based on how I've been running lately. As many of you may already know, I didn't finish the half on this day.
  • Mile 1 [8:35]: The most exciting mile mostly because of the obstacles mentioned above. I ask myself several times per week, "What is the point in a goose?!" I was fortunate to be running my first few miles with my friend Megan. Tamara K. was right there with us too! A lot of my friends who ran are in the middle of marathon training so they actually ran more miles before the race. Hard core.
  • Miles 2-3 [8:31, 8:39]: At this point, I was still trying to warm up. It was probably low to mid 20s with a light wind. I didn't feel awesome but didn't expect to because I know it takes me a while to warm up into race mode.
  • Miles 4-5 [8:40, 8:39]: Megan and I rounded out the first loop, dodged the poop-sicles again, and headed into what would be our first half marathon of the year. I knew at this point I wasn't going to meet my goal. I think I told Megan after mile 5 that I wasn't sure if I could do this. My nausea was kicking in and I just wasn't feeling it. 
  • Mile 6 [8:43]: I knew the split was coming up. I could choose to finish with the 7 milers or go on to attempt the half. Despite how I was feeling, my stubborn self decided to attempt what I set out to accomplish.
  • Mile 7 [9:28]: As you can see by my split time, this was when I broke down. Sometime during this mile, I had to stop for a little dry heaving action. I didn't stop my watch because I wanted my true half marathon time if, in fact, I ended up finishing the race. After a few seconds of drying heaving, I started running again. I'm not sure how far I made it, but I had to stop again to actually vomit. I felt my egg making its way up and knew I couldn't stop it. At that point, I knew I wasn't going to force myself to do this. What in the world was I trying to prove anyway?! I stopped my watch and just stood there for a few seconds. I thanked God for guiding me to make the right decision for my growing baby (even if I didn't like the decision!). I thanked Him for giving me legs to run. I thanked Him for the joy that running brings to me. Then I swallowed my pride and headed towards the finish.
  • Mile 8 [8:14]: When I turned around in the previous mile (I think it was sometime in the beginning of the mile), I wasn't sure how far I would have to run. I was hoping it would only be a mile. I just wanted to be done! It was probably closer to 2 miles because my finishing distance was 8.12 miles. I just spent the rest of the race trying to get to the finish line and cheer on my fellow runners as I passed them.
  • I did a short cool down with my friend, Tamara C., to give myself 9 miles for the day.
    Tamara and me after our cool down. She showed up at the right time for me. I would have just walked to my car and felt sorry for myself but her presence lifted my spirit.
I'm going to have to give this race another shot. I think I would have enjoyed it if I wasn't in my current situation. As I was thinking about this race, I also thought about all of the other races I'm registered for this year. I look at them and think, "What was I thinking when I committed to these?" Then I remembered that I wouldn't feel this way forever. I'm smack dab in the middle of the awful trimester of pregnancy. This will not last! I will slow down but I'll be able to finish these races! I only have two other half marathons on my schedule right now. The rest are smaller races. Hopefully this awful crap will go away soon and I'll feel like myself again.
Congrats to all of my friends who had successful races and training runs!! I'm so proud of all of you!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

D.O.A.P.: 9 Weeks

Early bump, right?! I swear I'm bumping through my running shirts!

I officially know how far along I am! The fact that my pregnancy weeks start on Wednesday bothers me! LOL. Why can't it be Monday?! It just doesn't work well with my brain. I went to the OB on Tuesday and their fancy ultrasound estimated that I was 8 weeks and 6 days. I can't believe I was wrong! So, basically, I started having intense nausea before I even conceived?! WTH. I guess my GERD  really was still an issue at the time. Either way, YAY for a healthy heartbeat!
This running week has been SO much better with regards to nausea and fatigue. I took it pretty easy with my pace this week in hopes it would boost my confidence. It definitely worked! I ran a whopping 42.05 miles this week.
  • 1/11/16: 9 miles, 8:50 average pace, treadmill. I started off super easy at 8:57 pace. I think I did that for 2-3 miles and decided to kick it up just one notch. I just slowly progressed my pace. I don't think I ran faster than 8:30 pace this day. I had no real goal as far as distance. I just told myself to make it to 6 miles and see how it goes. I felt so good that I decided to run until I had to leave to pick up James. This was a day I probably could have accomplished that long run goal of 12-14 miles.
  • 1/12/16: 7 miles, 8:34 average pace, treadmill. I dipped closer to 8min/mile my last couple of miles. I thought about turning this into a speed workout because I was feeling good again but I remembered I have a half marathon this weekend and wasn't sure if my pregnant body would recover from that kind of crap right now. I just want to be able to survive that freezing cold 13.1 on Sunday!
    Getting a lot of action on the mill lately.
  • 1/13/16: Nada. It was a perfect day for rest because I felt awful.
  • 1/14/16: 6 miles, 8:26 average pace. I finally got to run outside!! It was gorgeous...mid 30s and mostly sunny. It was ALMOST a progressive run. The third mile was a gradual decline which meant mile 4 was slightly up. I ended with some miles closer to my marathon race pace so that's always a good feeling. [8:51, 8:33, 8:27, 8:35, 8:10, 7:57]
    I enjoyed this slushy run.
  • 1/15/16: 6 miles, 8:21 average pace. As far as pace, this was one of my better runs this week. My last three miles were 8:04, 7:54, and 8:10. It was SO slippery outside. I was shocked! It was 40+ degrees the day before and I'm pretty sure it didn't reach freezing the night before. Marion and I tried to run on the road when it was appropriate but there was a lot of tip toe-ing this morning. We managed to make it 5.5 miles before biting the dust. We were rounding a corner and Marion went kerplunk. I was fairly steady until I saw her fall and turned to help her. Then, I went kerplunk. My fall wasn't even close to hers. UGH. We tried to make it humorous by using a maxi pad from my purse to stop the bleeding on her knee.
    That pretty much describes Marion and me. We fell right at the corner of Cleveland and County Line!
  • 1/16.16: 1.6 miles, 10:03 average pace; 3.4 miles, 8:46 average pace. I was NOT motivated to make things happen today. I kept procrastinating and almost decided not to run at all. Around 9:30 a.m., I remembered there was going to be a group shakeout run for the half I was doing the next day. I decided to join in on the fun in hopes it would motivate me to do SOMETHING today. The group run was 1.6 miles. After getting my race packet, I felt I was motivated enough to get a few more. I made it an even 5 for the day. I challenged myself a bit by running up the Morse Road incline near my house. I did feel nauseous today but hoped it would be better by race time.
    Broke Man's Shakeout Run.
  • 1/17/16: 8.12 miles, 8:41 average pace; 0.93 miles, 9:16 average pace. Broke Man's Half/7/3.5 miler. I did NOT finish the half but did get some miles! I will, of course, write my race report later.
    The race medal says enough.
How Far Along: 9 weeks, 4 days
What Baby Boo Deux is Up To: The green olive is starting to form its runner muscles, and it's heartbeat is audible.
Weight Gain: Nothing yet. Although, I feel like I'm eating ALL THE TIME! My belly seems to be changing shape. (current: 112 lbs.)
Symptoms: Still have nausea and fatigue but not as intense as the past several weeks. Sleep has slightly improved thanks to Unisom!
Cravings/Aversions: Coffee. Oh, how I miss my coffee! I just can't force myself to drink it. Coke is even iffy to me right now. I'm currently on an Egg McMuffin and Sweet Tea kick.
Coming Up: Next appointment on Feb 9th.

Monday, January 11, 2016

D.O.A.P.: Week 13? 9?

I still don't know how far along I am but can't wait to find out on Tuesday!!! I'm going to try to treat this as a diary and report what I'm really feeling through this process. My hope is that it will allow you guys to feel a connection in some way...whether you feel inspired, annoyed, empathetic, thankful it's not you. I want my family and friends who can't be with me directly to feel connected to this process during a time that should be enjoyed and filled with those you love.
  • 1/4/16: 3 miles, 8:48 average. I title this "I'm just not feeling it." This was the first day I actually felt good. Minimal nausea, a little more energy. I was excited when I got on the treadmill. That is, until I actually started running. I was bored. Maybe it was because I was on a treadmill, AGAIN. I didn't want to go outside because it was cold, and I didn't have my cold gear with me. So I settled for a measly 3 miles and whined to my friend, Amanda, via text about how horrible my life is. LOL!
  • 1/5/16: 8 miles, 8:33 average. This was an amazing run. This is the day I had no work so I asked Jimmy to bring James to the sitter. I had the urge to be productive. I had no significant nausea this day and did 6 hours of organizing at home. I followed that up with this run. I'm sure it helped that it was unseasonably sunny outside. I didn't run super fast but it was nice to feel REALLY good in my normal easy pace range. Can I get a repeat?!
    Ah, sun!
  • 1/6/16: 5.5 miles, 8:17 average. We did family gym night at The Y so I hit up the mill. I started at 8:57 pace to warm up then gradually sped up from there. I was feeling good so I ventured into the low 8s. By 4 miles, I was ready to try some speedier miles. I did my fifth mile at 7:40. I knew I only had time for another half mile so I increased the speed to 7:30. I was bummed that I had to stop because I was feeling AWESOME! I'm hoping for more of these days in my future.
  • 1/7/16: Didn't do crap. Another rough day for me. Moderate nausea, lots of fatigue, HUGE migraine. *Light Bulb Moment: I realized I didn't drink as much water as I usually do. OOPS.
  • 1/8/16: 10 miles, 8.71 @ 8:47 average, 1.31 @ 9:32 average. Long Run? So, I had good intentions to run 12 miles today. I set out with Amber and Kimberly to accomplish my mission. Six miles in, I started dry heaving. FUN! I took a mini break and caught up with the girls and stopped again at 8.7 miles for another short break. I refused to end my day until I had double digits so I did a SLOW 1.3 miles to make 10! Looking back, I wish I had tried running 12 on Tuesday when I felt great!
    Wet and cold. Awesome.
  • 1/9/16: 6.12 miles, 8:28 average. I felt very sick but seemed to get a second wind in the last mile. I probably should have kept going at least a couple more miles but something was telling me to just stop. I was happy with this run and happy that I was able to do it with friends. (spent most of my time with Jackie but had a little Marion and Dani action too!)
    [Dani, Marion, car, Jackie, Me]
  • 1/10/16: The worst day I've had in a long time. I had grand plans to run 8 miles. Unfortunately, I woke up to my husband yelling for me to come downstairs because out sweet, precious Aussie had passed away unexpectedly overnight. It was completely unexpected but I don't have it in me to share my story yet. Just know that it was a devastating day for us and running was the last thing on my mind. Plus, I didn't eat until 6 p.m. so I'm sure that wouldn't go well with running 8 miles while pregnant.
    Our precious Izzie.
I normally would have more to share but my heart still aches today. I've been working on the post throughout the week and didn't want it to go to waste.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

D.O.A.P.: The Intro

Diary of a Prunner (Pregnant Runner). I think this might be the title for my pregnant running series. I have a feeling this is going to the most adventurous, most challenging, and most enjoyable running phase of my life. I fully expect a roller coaster ride. Anything else would be disappointing.
I seemed to have turned a corner with regards to my first trimester symptoms (PRAYERS ANSWERED!! THANK YOU!). I've had minimal to moderate nausea the past four days. I've also had more energy than usual. I came home Monday and felt the urge to clean. Lately, all I want to do is come home and fall asleep.
Tuesday, I didn't have to work. I assumed I would spend the day catching up on sleep but I had the urge to be productive. I spent 6 hours organizing things around the house. Literally six hours on my feet. I felt amazing! I then managed to squeeze in an 8 mile run.
I didn't get too excited about this, though, because the following day, I felt ick again...but not as intense.


So far, the most challenging part about this phase of pregnancy is coming to the realization that you can't keep up with your typical running partners. I have not been able to wake up and have a productive run in the morning. Y'all know crazy runners get up at 4 and 5 a.m. to get this crap done. I just can't make myself do that right now. Also, my unpredictability is preventing me from wanting to commit to running with my friends. Some days, I have no problem at all keeping my faster easy pace. Some days, I can even dip into the 7s for a couple or few miles (yesterday!). The problem? I never know when I'll be able to handle it. I can't just plan a run. I always do what my body tells me I can do that day.

With all of my besties training for races, I can't ask them to run with me if I don't know if I can keep with their pace. This, my friends, has been tough. I guess I have this fear that I will mess them up ( I know how crazy I can get with my training sometimes). I also have this fear of losing "the spark" in my friendships because most of our bonding happened on runs. We are all busy people and our runs are when we had time to connect.

I'm not sure if these are valid fears or me just being stupid. When I was pregnant with James, I was a solo runner and had no girlfriends so I didn't care. I just hope that when this first phase passes, I can keep up with my friends again! I look forward to documenting my running adventures with this pregnancy and can't wait to see how this one treats me!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It Only Took Four Attempts {and is this almost over]...

Just because picture. My sweet family on our last day of 2015.

I've been trying since December 12th to run 14 miles. I'm not sure why that number was so important to me. I guess I just felt I needed to run that amount to make sure I could tolerate running my half marathon. The first week I ran 13.5 miles...probably could have made it to 14 but wanted to stop at 9 so I was DONE. The next two weeks, I couldn't will myself to run more than 12. It was a struggle.
That face is exactly how I felt about running 14 miles.
I know it's because I had to do these runs in the morning. I swore off morning runs after my horrible attempt on Friday. I started dry heaving after 5 miles and knew it wasn't going to happen. I was so pissed...and DETERMINED. I knew I could get it done! I decided I would make an attempt on the mill. FOURTEEN MILES ON THE TREADMILL?! Ugh. I have some crazy friends who have run much more than that on the treadmill but 8 miles has always been my limit.
I wanted to quit so many times, but I kept taking it two miles at a time. I hated this run so much that I didn't feel a lot of excitement when I finished. I was just glad to be DONE.

One of the highlights of my week. Although we both felt like crap, I got to run my last 6 miles of 2015 with one of my besties. This girl kicked butt the following day in a 5k!!! [Marion]
In other news, I didn't accomplish my speed workout this week (too many attempts at morning running) but I did run a solid 45 miles (if you count Sunday through Saturday; 37 miles if you do Monday through Sunday). I really hate not having a goal right now!

I'm still convinced I'm 12 weeks pregnant and can't wait to find out in 9 more days!!!!! Please continue praying for me. The Unisom has definitely helped me sleep better at night but I still feel tired most of the day. I'm also still very nauseous most of the day. I do have periods of relief  but they seem to last for only an hour. I'm hoping I have only 1-2 more weeks of this! I just keep holding onto the fact that this is temporary and the second trimester will be glorious.