Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Mileage (and my upcoming race thoughts)

This is how lame I am with blogging lately...the last entry I posted was one month ago for March Mileage! Oh well!
April has been one of my favorite running months so far this year. The weather is a little warmer and busy race season has approached! THREE DAYS FROM NOW I'll be running my third full marathon in Cincy. FLYING PIG!!

I'm so pumped about the torture I'm about to endure. Each marathon has it's own story. My first was, well, my first. Run it to finish, right?! It was 10 years ago, training was totally different, and I wanted bragging rights (4:35:57 was my time). My second was the Cbus marathon in 2012. I'll be real with you...I was injured (hip) but I told too many family members I was doing it so I couldn't quit (stupid decision). I very painfully ran a 5:02. It hurts to admit.

This marathon equals no pressure for me. Unless I pass out or something insanely crazy happens, I WILL PR! My physical body should allow me to run a 3:40-something marathon but I'd be over the moon with anything sub 4:00. Because I know I'm physically prepared, my focus will be on the mental aspect. I've got to allow myself to hurt and push through that hurt. I've got to remain confident in what I know I can do. I've got to keep a smile on my face despite how my body feels.

I'm so excited about Flying Pig because I hear there is amazing crowd support. I know what you experienced piggers are thinking...THE HILLS!! Blah, blah, blah and BRING IT ON. If all I did is seek out flat fast courses, what fun would running be?! I'm sure I'll whine about it but that doesn't mean I didn't fully enjoy it ;)

So, April Mileage...

Running miles: 174.66
Cycling miles: ZERO!

I think work just got crazy busy this month and I haven't had as much time to make it to the Y for my weekly cycling :( April ranks as my third highest mileage month of the year. I know as race season approaches and taper weeks occur, mileage will slip a little. I had two races this past month; neither of which I tapered for because they were fun races that really had no benefit in my marathon training (Scioto miles 15k and Mommy Mile 5k). The 15k was the day after a 20 miler and the Mommy Mile was this past Sunday during taper week.

My mileage the past two weeks has been pretty low due to tapering for the full (ranging between 18-25 miles per week when my normal is 45-60 miles per week). I guess I made up for it the first two weeks!

April has been full of adventure with friends and runs with people I don't always get to run with. Now let's go run this marathon and move on to the next race!!