James is such a fun, happy baby. He loves to smile and giggle. It warms my heart :) He has been "talking" a lot lately...mostly "ma ma" mixed with a few "da da's." I'm pretty sure I heard him say his name (yeah right).
James has mastered being up on all fours and can now do the baby version of downward dog. He tries SO HARD to crawl but can't quite figure it out yet. It's very entertaining for Mr. Boo and me! It's so funny to watch him play by himself. The ways he can keep himself entertained crack me up. The boy is all over the place which scares me for when he actually does start crawling.
My boy went from master sleeper to whatever the opposite of that is called. He's been waking 1-2 different times in the night, no real pattern. I'm still trying the Ferber method on those nights but it's so hard to let him cry. There are nights that I'll be awake an hour or two in the middle of the night and it really screws me up (that's in addition to the time I get up to pump). I would like to blame it on our trip to Nashville but how long do you give a baby to readjust to his regular schedule?!
Last weekend. we visited our favorite city of Nashville. Our wonderful friends, The Lobbs, went along with us. Friday was sort of our "touristy" day. We ate at Pancake Pantry, walked around Belmont, Lipscomb, and downtown, then ate at Blue Coast. Later that evening, we walked around the Opryland Hotel which is always a treat.
Saturday, after James and I finished our 12 mile run, we checked out The Factory in Franklin and ate at this delicious hot dog place (I was craving a corn dog...weird). Later that evening, we enjoyed a BBQ with old friends and re-told stories of our past adventures in Nashville.
The next day, after a pretty chill morning, we went line dancing at Wildhorse Saloon. I put James in his carrier and we hit the dance floor! (Our boy is a flirt, by the way. There was a group of ladies sitting by us and he had them wrapped around his finger. I had to warn him, though, because they were from Michigan. No respected Buckeye boy would go for a Michigan girl :))