His surprise face cracks me up!
My boy is so stinkin' awesome. Here are some firsts from this week:
-First official mommy/Jamesy run! We've been on 4 this week! :) Running with James has been really awesome. I think he really likes it. I haven't done more than 3 miles so, hopefully, when my mileage increases, he'll still seem to enjoy it. He usually falls asleep by the end of the run. (P.S. I do plan on blogging about my training every so often so I'll report to you guys soon. I'm not actually training for anything specific right now. Just trying to up my mileage since I'm just now getting back into it.)
-Our first baby yoga session! (Darn me for not getting a picture...I'll definitely get one next week). Baby Yoga was a good time. I can't say that I got a good workout but it was great bonding time for James and me. It was also fun hanging out with some girlfriends and seeing their little ones :)
-First of many times that James will wear a bow tie...hopefully.
-First time to meet Jimmy's cousin, Yvonne, and her hubby, Steve.
-First successful practice session in the Bumbo chair.
-His first Easter.
James Robert Davis I, II, & III!
It's just so amazing to see how much this little boy is growing in such a short time period. The miracle of life never ceases to amaze me. I can't believe there was a time in my life that I considered not having kids! I'm so glad God changed my heart!
James and a picture of Jimmy when he was the same age (4 1/2 months)!