Hoka 10k 2018

Hoka 10k 2018

Monday, December 29, 2014

Big Changes for #jd3

So, it's official...as of Christmas day, I stopped breastfeeding. Since my supply began to decrease at the end of October/beginning of November, I started supplementing with formula. Then it got to the point that it wasn't worth pumping at work. When that happened, I started feeding James when he woke up in the morning and in the evenings at home. The last couple of weeks, it seemed as if James wasn't getting enough milk during his feedings so I would give him more milk (from a bottle) afterwards. It was at that point I realized I would have to stop breastfeeding sooner than later.

Part of me was a little bummed but the other part of me felt really good about what I was able to do for my son. Now that he's ONE YEAR OLD and can "officially" drink cow milk, it's become less stressful in the Davis household.

*side note: At some point in the near future, I will do James' "turning one" blog post.


On a different, but related, note, we are actively transitioning James away from the bottle. In the words of my lovely hubby, Mr. Boo, "This is going to be hell." True words. James LOVES the bottle. He loved the boob, too, but hasn't noticed it's been missing from his diet.

There is so much crap out there about transitioning from the bottle. Feel free to share your experience (mostly because I love hearing other mommas' stories). Here's what we have currently decided to do. He usually goes to bed/nap with a bottle in hand (except when I breastfed him, of course). We have stopped doing that by having him drink before we even put him into the crib. We also decided to stop giving him milk in a bottle before his first nap of the day. We put it in a sippy cup. If he chooses to drink it, GREAT! If he doesn't, he goes without (This is mostly because he typically eats his breakfast before napping and it's about lunch time when he wakes up. We figure, if he misses that milk, it shouldn't affect him in a negative way).

Another thing we started, last night, is to put his last milk feeding in a sippy. It broke my heart! He cried like crazy for 10+ minutes about the cup. He knew milk was in there but absolutely refused to drink from the cup. When he finally calmed down, I had the cup close to his lips and he decided to grab it and drink! He only drank 1 1/2 oz. but we decided that was a victory. We did end up putting the rest of it in the bottle because he didn't eat well yesterday due to travelling.

So, here starts the sippy cup adventure. Please tell me your stories!

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Santa Race 5k

After doing a few long distance races this fall, it was kind of nice to run a 5k. Even though the weather was crappy, I knew it would be over in 3.1! This race was SO MUCH FUN!!! They limited it to a few hundred runners so it was easy to park and find friends. It was held at Creekside in Gahanna (the place where I have the pleasure of calling home).

I was co-creator (along with Jackie) of a team called "8 Maids a Milking." We are all mothers who are either nursing or have nursed in the past. We all had shirts with big ole milk jugs on the front (some bigger than others). Unfortunately, one of our maids wasn't able to make it but she was there in spirit! We also saw other MRTT (Moms Run This Town) mommas before and after the race.

I ran a 5k last year, when I was pregnant, at Creedside so I was familiar with this course. I warned Jackie that, if it was the same course I ran, there were at least 2 hills. I think there were actually three but one felt like more of a gradual incline. It was an out and back course that started at Creekside and connected to the trail. They had one drink station at the halfway point. I really have no complaints about the course. I started towards the front so I didn't have a hard time passing people at the start. By the time I got to the turn around point, people were spread out enough that it didn't cause any issues running back to the finish. The thing I loved about this out and back course is that I was able to cheer for my fellow team members as we passed each other. It was really neat to see everyone having such a great time. We all ran really well!

 I had no time goal for this race. I just wanted to run and finish without exacerbating my injuries. Mission was accomplished. I felt great the whole time! Sure I was a little tight through the weekend but didn't feel any pain.
Bonus: To my surprise, as I was approaching the finish line, I noticed that the clock read 23 minutes and some change. I heard the announcer mention that the clock was about 30 seconds from hitting 24 minutes. It was something about that statement that lit a fire up my butt and made me just go! I felt like I looked amazing but my finishing looks aren't usually my strong suit :) I ended up finishing just under 24 minutes with a time of 23:53!! I'm honestly not sure if this is a lifetime PR (personal record) because I know I ran faster splits in high school but, back then, our races were only 2 miles so I have no idea what a 5k time would have been back then. So, I would like to think this is my PR. I know it's my fastest 5k in at least 10 or so years so we're gonna say it's my new PR!

My one and only complaint about this race is the pictures. The website took forever to load and you had to look through ALL of the pictures to find the ones of yourself. My pictures sucked so bad. There were none of me on the course or at the start. There was one right before the finish in which I gave a thumbs up but my giraffe neck was looking crazy. The three finishing photos they had were all of me looking at my phone to turn off my running app. Totally disappointing. Despite that, we took some fun post race shots :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

This. Week.

Man...fun things just keep happening this week. I've got to get it all out of my brain or I won't be able to sleep or function.
Most of y'all know about the breastfeeding thing (just used my last bag of frozen stash today and will go all formula minus the times I can nurse him). I'm almost over this one.
And there was yesterday...which most of you also know about. Someone else commented about my size, saying I was too skinny (something I struggle with). I'm still mentally dealing with this.
And then, Jimmy and I received some news yesterday that really made us sad...
Jimmy has a friend of about 2 or 3 years named Jeff. Jimmy met him through playing sand volleyball in the summer. Sadly, Jeff may be passing away in the next couple of days. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer and started his battle about a year and a half ago. He is only in his mid 40s. He has been so strong through all of this and has been such an inspiration. He has been knocked down many times but always bounced back and beat the odds. He was able to marry his love, Susan, about a month ago and he also has a daughter who, I believe, is around 20 years old.
Jeff is under hospice care at this time and Jimmy and I are hoping to see him later today. This brings up so many horrible memories of when my Mamaw passed away. She had lung cancer that spread to her brain. When she was diagnosed, she did not share this information with the family. About 6 months later, the family found out when she had to be brought to the hospital because she was in her home sitting in her own body fluids and couldn't speak anything that made sense. I believe she was in the hospital about a week before passing away. I just remember going to see her at the hospital and she had NO CLUE WHO I WAS. That was the most heart breaking moment in my life.
I'm not as close to Jeff as Jimmy or any of Jeff's other friends but I am so scared to visit him for that same reason. I don't want to relive that feeling of someone you know and care about not even recognizing who you are. He may not be to that point yet but part of me doesn't want to find out.  I'm praying so hard for his family and friends right now. I don't see Jimmy cry often but tears were in his eyes this morning and that breaks my heart.
I don't know what else to say but I know that it helps me to type all of this out.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hot Chocolate 15k

It occurred to me yesterday, TWO WEEKS AFTER THE RACE, that I haven't done my race recap! We'll just blame it on mommy brain.
In all my years of running and racing, this was my FIRST 15k! I've been battling this Hamstring/Piriformis injury all season so I had no real expectation for my time. Based on how my legs had been feeling, I thought running in the 8s was reasonable. With that being said, I wanted to average better than my previous half marathon splits so I wanted to be in the low 8s.
Well, low 8s didn't happen BUT mid 8s did :) I really can't complain about that considering my legs felt AWFUL!

Jackie and I learned from our mistakes during the Columbus Half and decided to ride to the race together. We got there super early and it was so cold!!! BUT, the plus side is that the port-o-potties were unused, very clean, and we got to be the first to stink them up :)

Waiting to start!

It blew me away how many corrals they had at this race. I think it was something like A though M (most races I've done are A through D). We were in C so the wait wasn't too bad. I remember the start being so congested that you couldn't pass people. Once the course widened and people were passed, I realized I was having an awful time trying to breathe in the cold air. I also realized that I ran WAY TO FAST trying to pass people that my leg was already starting to bother me. Ugh. I think I ran with Jackie about 2 miles when I told her to go ahead and leave me. I knew I couldn't hold that pace with my leg giving me fits.

I was initially bummed about my pain but, when I slowed down a bit, I realized I would take advantage of the scenery and just enjoy it. I was hurting pretty bad by 4 miles but I knew I had to keep my spirits up. I really enjoyed running up High Street through Short North and OSU campus. I even stopped to take some pics!

Although the scenery was enjoyable and the crowd was awesome and supportive, I wanted to punch one guy. He was at the corner of some street as we were rounding campus yelling "It's all down hill from here!" I thought, "SWEET! I won't have to deal with any more hills!" I'm not sure what he was smoking but, just after he said that and we rounded the corner, there was a big ole hill! There were about 5 others around me cursing the guy under their breath!

The last part of the race seemed like it took forever! I'm pretty sure my leg would have fallen off if I had to do any more. I was so happy to be finished so that I could enjoy my hot chocolate :) My fast friend, Jackie, and I stuck around to enjoy the festivities for a few but it was so stinkin' cold that we wanted to leave. BONUS: her car has heated seats and it felt SO AMAZING!

Overall, the course was awesome minus the congestion at the beginning and the hills (which I don't mind so much when my legs are healthy). If it wasn't so cold I would have enjoyed the after party a little more. The thing I didn't like is that there was an expo to pick up packets and I had to pay $10 to park in order to get into the Convention Center.

Next race: The Santa Race 5k in Gahanna, Ohio on December 6th!

P.S. This review/recap would be so much better if I had written it 2 weeks ago! Lesson learned.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I Know I Shouldn't Feel This Way BUT...

By far, above all other challenges of becoming a mother, BREASTFEEDING/PUMPING has been MY biggest challenge.
When James turned 10 months (he will be 11 months on Friday!),  I noticed that my milk supply had significantly decreased. I had a small stash in the freezer and was still able to pump each day what he needed for the next day at the sitter (approx. 16-18 ounces). I was pumping three times during the work day and waking up early (between 2 and 4 a.m.) to pump. People think I'm crazy for waking up in the early morning but it has always been my best pump session so I felt I needed to do it for my baby.
When my supply decreased, I noticed that it didn't matter if I pumped all three times during my work day so I started taking out my morning pump session and just pumping at lunch and before picking up James. Nowadays, rather than pumping 18 oz. of milk per day, I'm only able to get 6-12 oz. per day. Because of this, my extra stash is almost no more. I only have two extra bags in the freezer. I'm basically being forced to start mixing what I have with formula.
For some reason, this makes me feel like a FAILURE. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I've done absolutely everything I can to exclusively breastfeed my child. I ultimately have no control over my supply. I'm not asking for advice on how to increase it because I've tried a lot of things over my almost 11 months as a mother. I'm seriously not looking forward to walking into the store today and buying my first container of formula. I know it's so weird but I just feel awful.
James' doctor gave me a sample and he seems to like it but every time I shake that stuff up, I feel guilty...like I'm robbing my child of the greatness of breast milk. I know formula is fine, I just feel like I worked so hard for almost 11 months for nothing.
Are there any other moms out there who have felt this way?

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Latest on Baby Boo: One Year is Approaching!!!

I've had a lot of people say to me lately, "James is almost a year old!" Honestly, I haven't really thought about it that much. Yes, I've been planning his birthday party for a month or so BUT I haven't had the fact that he's almost one on my mind.

Now that the reality of him turning one in December has hit me, I have a few goals I'm working on with him. James has always been slower to develop skills compared to his friends but he always seems to get things done a day or two before his appointment with the pediatrician! Future procrastinator like his dad?! Hehehe.
He's doing well developing his movement/transportation. He's doing great with crawling and pulling himself to standing. (Warning: James' firsts ahead!!) He has even started side stepping while holding onto objects...and climbing stairs! In fact, he was halfway up our stairs the other day before Jimmy noticed! Based on his balance, I don't foresee him being able to stand without holding on or walk in the immediate future.

He is improving with his eating! As you all know, this has been the biggest challenge he has presented to Jimmy and me. He will typically eat a full container of puree at each meal in addition to the breast milk he drinks throughout the day. We have been working REALLY hard on getting him to eat finger foods. We offer him everything we eat. He will now let us put it in his mouth (and he's finally starting to do it on his own sometimes!) but, unless it's a puff, he spits it out! He has kept two other things in his mouth for more than 1 second: apples and taco meat. He's slowly but surely coming around. I'm just praising Jesus that he is finally getting puffs into his mouth by himself. It's not efficient or pretty, but it eventually makes it there!

A couple weeks ago, James went on his first plane ride to Nebraska to see his cousins, aunts and uncles. He was awesome on the plane and was very popular with the ladies. The experience wasn't bad at all and everyone was helpful. He was very constipated on the way home and got a little grunty/fussy. He had a surprise waiting in his pants when we got to Chicago. Good thing we had a short layover cuz it took some time to get that one changed! Here are some highlights (via pictures) of the trip:
He was SO excited to look at the planes!

Plane selfie with Grandma.

First time meeting Aunt Ashley.


More cousins!

Aunt Ash and Aunt Shawna

Finally, our adventure continues with transitioning away from the bottle. I've tried a few different cups. The most recent being made by Avent. He seems to like it better than the others so far because its spout has the feel of a bottle nipple so he seems to understand how to use it.

In other related news, it seems that my milk supply is decreasing despite how much I'm pumping each day. I'm not sure why it decreased all of a sudden. I have been congested the last week so I'm not sure if that has any effect. I've had to do a little bit of supplementing with formula. I asked the pediatrician about starting cow milk early. She said it wouldn't hurt but also said that the formula provides things like iron  and cow milk wouldn't give as much of it.
In our future: Surviving the holiday season and managing to pull off a kick butt 1st birthday party in the meantime!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Columbus [Half] Marathon: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

I was so crazy excited about this race because it is SO AWESOME! I was up and at 'em early this morning. Coffee, oatmeal, several appearances in the bathroom...about as normal as race morning could be. We got into the car and I listened to three pre-race necessities (in this order): Sledgehammer, Ice Cream Paint Job, and Baton Rouge. We didn't hit up any traffic on our way there.


Until Jimmy dropped me off and I left my phone with him....

That's when the bad begins. Jackie and I have trained for months together. We were looking forward to doing this amazing race together. Neither of us were going to have our phones so we made plans to meet up in our corral. It wasn't crowded at all when I arrived but I wasn't sure if Jackie was there yet. I'm looking everywhere near our corral and I don't see her. I'm starting to get worried because this is her first big race (we ran a half two weeks ago but there were only 3,000ish runners compared to 18,000 in this race). Twenty minutes later, I decided to check my bag and continue my search. Apparently, we were in the same area of the corral. I have NO idea how we missed each other!

Although I was a little stressed about not finding her, I knew I had to make the best of it. I REALLY did not want to run without her. She seriously makes me a better runner.

And we're off...

The race itself was great. I knew I would enjoy myself because I ran the full two years ago. The crowd is the best part. Everyone is so supportive. I love all of the high fives from the kids (and adults) and I even got some hugs from my amazing friends that came out to support me! My ultimate goal was to break 2 hours. Based on how I felt this week, I knew I wasn't going to beat my time from 2 weeks ago (1:50:13). I probably ran harder than I should have and I'm paying for it right now!

My right leg has given me fits all season so you would think that would be my issue...NOPE! I think I was relying more on my left leg because of the injuries on my right. My left knee started bothering me around mile 5 but I still felt ok. I kept pushing and pushing...

When I reached mile 9, the knee was starting to feel unbearable and I could tell I was slowing down a bit. At mile 10, I wanted to give up. I kept repeating "I wish Jackie was here." I knew she wouldn't let me quit. Although I did not give up, those last 3 miles were the hardest I've felt since running the full marathon. About that time, I started thinking about the people I was running for: my hubby, my son, Jeff, and Jim. I kept repeating their names (which made me get all emotional and almost start crying! If you've ever started crying while running, you know you can't breathe right!).

As I approached the last mile, I knew I would see Mr. and Baby Boo. When I did, it gave me that extra something I needed to do the last quarter mile. I was so happy to cross that finish line!


Here comes the ugly...

After the emotional roller coaster I call the last 3 miles, all I wanted was to hug my husband, my son, and Jackie. The problem: where are they?! The way the finish was set up, it seemed like we had to walk FOREVER to get to the area where you can wait for your family. The following is a lesson about the importance of communication and the flaws associated with assumption:

Each year, they have an area set up with posts that have letters on them. The letters are to represent your last name so that you have a place to meet up with your family without looking around for them for an hour. Two years ago, this is how I met up with my family afterwards and it wasn't an issue. So, I ASSUMED this was the plan this year. What I didn't realize is that Jimmy did not make that ASSUMPTION and we hadn't COMMUNICATED a meeting plan to each other.

The ugly part? I stood, lonely and cold, under the "D-F" sign for over an hour! I didn't want to move because I knew for sure he'd come there for me. My body was still in shock (and freezing) so I was hurting pretty badly. I was afraid to sit and stretch because I wanted Jimmy to be able to see me. Two different gentlemen let me use their phones to call but I had to leave a voicemail. Finally, more than an hour later, I look over and see my relief. Jackie was there!! I burst into tears. All of the emotion hit me all at once: relief, pain, frustration...you name it, I felt it. I had to sit with Jackie for a few moments to let it out so I wouldn't get unnecessarily mad at Jimmy. It wasn't his fault or mine. Just a piece of the plan we had not discussed.

I was very quiet as we walked to the car...and in the car...AND when we arrived home. Mostly, I was cold, in pain, and still processing my emotions. Why do I subject this stuff to myself on purpose?!

Anyway, I really love this race and enjoyed it despite the bad and the ugly. I just want to thank those who came out to support me and those who supported me from afar! You guys really helped me when I wanted to give up!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Babies Are Weird

I have been blessed with one of the coolest dudes in the world. He has made my transition into motherhood a little easier than I had imagined it (by NO means is it easy, but, when I hear other peoples' stories, I know I have it a little easier than some).

I am thankful he hasn't had any major illnesses thus far, no crazy hospital visits; I haven't been left by myself for a few days while my husband is out of town for work (JACKIE ;)). He has allowed me to run with him in a stroller...the list goes on.

With that being said, there have been some challenges and BABIES ARE WEIRD! These phases they go through can drive a routine person (ME) crazy! First, it was the sleep issues. After the first few weeks of life, he actually slept 5-6 hours straight until 3 or so months old. We went through a LONG phase of waking up every couple of hours. This was so rough! I discovered the Ferber Method (as hard as it was to do) and life is good. My boy has now cut out his evening nap and goes to bed between 8 and 830 pm which allows Mr.Boo and me to have some down time. He will sleep between 9-11 hours and has done that consistently for a few weeks now (except for last night when he randomly woke at 1230 a.m. and screamed his head off for at least half an hour).

My inspiration for this post? His dang eating!

He FINALLY has been eating pureed food consistently for about a month (we started trying at 5 1/2 months...it took 3 1/2 months to get him to eat! AHH!). And, praise Jesus, he has started picking up food and attempting to put it in his mouth. Sometimes it gets there, sometimes it doesn't...BUT he's trying which is a major accomplishment for us. This eating thing has sucked out all of the patience I possess.

Next task/frustration is TRANSITIONING AWAY FROM BOTTLE USE.  James' doctor would ideally like him to be off the bottle by a year old. I decided, since he's a little slow to making things happen, I'll start training now. James already drinks water from sippy cups so I thought I'd just start putting his milk in a cup. His current cups spill a little so I wanted to get a really good non spill cup (I bought Tommee Tippee cups which are amazing). He refuses to put the dang cup in his mouth! The cup is very similar to his current cups so I'm dumbfounded as to why he won't even try to drink from it. If he only knew that milk was in it, he would LOVE it!

So, this is me welcoming any advice or experiences you want to share with regards to transitioning from the bottle. I'm sure it's one of those things, like everything else, that I just have to keep trying and one day he'll just get it. BABIES ARE WEIRD!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Surprise! A James Update...

The last 3 weeks or so have been full of surprises. Mr. Boo and I think we are watching James, we look up and...SURPRISE! He's done something new. I don't think I've typed a James update since he turned 9 months. I guess I'll give you his 9 month measurements:
Height- 28 in. (34%)
Weight-17 lbs. 3 oz. (11%)
Head- 46.5 cm (89%)
Basically, he's average height, skinny, and has a big ole head!

James' firsts since turning 9 months:
  • Crawling- he mostly commando crawls but started what we think of as traditional crawling a week or so ago.
  • Pulling himself up- he started by pulling himself up to his knees and eventually learned to go to his feet; his technique has improved from the "wide base of support/butt sticking out" pose to standing straight up; we had to put his crib mattress down a few levels because he's now standing up and trying to look over.
  • Climbing steps- we live in a split level home and he has attempted to go up from the main level to the upper level; he made it up one step but hasn't been able to do more than that.
  • Consistently sleeping 9-11 hours- he started skipping his evening nap most days and going to bed a little earlier than usual.
James gave us the ultimate surprise the other day. He has been constipated a lot since eating more solids (side note: prunes seem to help...the doc also suggested mixing apple juice with water). His poop hasn't been as soft as it should be so I can imagine J isn't feeling that great regarding his bowels. Anyway, I was changing his diaper and there was a tiny rabbit turd is his diaper. I was doing my thang to clean him up when he started grunting REALLY  hard. As I started putting coconut oil on his booty, a turd started coming out!!! AHHH! It kept coming and coming and coming. I looked like one of my dogs' turds! My jaw seriously dropped. I couldn't believe the size of that thing.


In our future:

J goes to the doctor this Friday for his second flu shot and, ten days from now, J will go on his first flight! I am a little nervous about flying alone with him. Not so much the flight part as much as the security part. I'm sure the TSA employees will be nice but I'm afraid the general public will be jerks because people tend to be in a hurry and there's no way I can be in a hurry when I'm by myself with James!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Run Like A Girl Half Marathon (includes race review)

When I started running post pregnancy, I had no idea what to expect. Am I going to be a suckier (not a word) runner than before? Am I going to be able to train for races with a baby in the picture?

Mandatory James picture. He is saying "Good job, mom...but let's get the heck home! It's cold!"

It turns out that I'm a BETTER RUNNER and, yes, I CAN train for big races with my baby (in fact, I felt extremely weird running without him today)!!! 

The Run Like A Girl (RLAG) half was a true test of my abilities. When you stroller train, you have NO IDEA where to start guesstimating a potential pace. I went into this race wanting to break two hours. My personal record (PR) is 1:57 and some change (Memphis half marathon in 2006...when I was "young"). In fact, even if I was able to go faster, I told myself I was going to stay around that pace so that I could kill the Columbus half in two weeks. What have I learned? You can't tell a runner to take it easy during a race! 

Pre-race selfie! We were SO COLD!!!

I had my mapper on during the race to have an idea of our pace (poet and didn't know it) but ended up only checking it 2 or 3 times. I was so focused during the final stretch that I didn't stop the mapper. I've been stalking the website ALL DAY waiting for the results! Without further ado, my official time, per whoever does RLAG, is:


Holy Crap! I smashed my PR!!  We placed 46th and 47th out of 664 runners and, I think, 6th in the 30-34 age group! I would like to think we broke 1:50 because Jackie stopped her watch a little after we finished and it said 1:50...but whatev! LOL. A special shout out to my girl/running partner, Jackie, for finishing her first half!!! I am SO PROUD of this girl!

Not only did we get a free bottle of wine...they gave us celebratory shots of wine! 


In case you want to run this half in the future, here's my race review (if you don't care about racing, you should just skip this part because it may be boring):

I'm not one to care too much about the race swag bag but you do get a t-shirt, protein bar, head band and a small cold pack among other things. Also, when I picked up my packet from Front Runner, I  was given a free headband (not the one in the swag bag) that had "13.1" on it because I bought something while I was there. 

The weather was about as sucky as it can get (unless snow was present). It was SO COLD (I think it was around 40 degrees). According to my weather app that morning, it wasn't supposed to precipitate. I might delete that dang app because it was raining and HAILING almost the entire time! AND it was windy!! I'm thankful I wore long tights. I just wish I had gloves because my hands were freezing. 

As far as the course is concerned, it had a couple of back-and-forth loops of which I'm not a huge fan. We started at Columbus Commons and connected to a trail approx 1-2 miles into the run. I remember wishing we hadn't connected to the trail so early because I felt like we needed more time for the runners to thin out. It was really hard to pass the groups of runners on the trail. 

We ran 4-5 miles out before making the first turn and running back the same path. It was even harder passing people on the trail after the turning point because we had to dodge runners coming towards us. Once we were back on the city streets, we ran a mile or so and connected to another trail. We did another loop (I feel like this one wasn't as long). It turned around at about 10 miles and then we headed back towards Columbus Commons. The last 2 miles were on city streets. (side note: there are hills but, because you turn and repeat, for every one you go up, you get to go down).

I liked that they had mile markers at every mile and police at every major intersection. They seemed to have plenty of drink stations (although I didn't take advantage of them at first because it was so cold and I couldn't feel my hands) and port-a-potties. The down side was minimal spectators except at the start/finish (part of that due to being on trails)...BUT, when there were spectators, they were very encouraging! 

The finish felt organized. They immediately gave medals and directed us to food/water/wine. Did I mention that you get a free bottle of wine?!

I haven't decided if this is a race I'll do again since it's so close to the Nationwide Children's Columbus Marathon (I LOVE THAT RACE!!!). I feel like I enjoyed it more because it was my first big race post baby and because I PR'd with Jackie. Hope this helps you guys in deciding if you want to run the race in the future!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Davis Family Photos 2014...James Turns 9 Months

You've seen some already (if you're on Facebook) but I'll add some you haven't seen yet. 

Warning: This will be picture overload but James is insanely cute so it's o.k.

I can't tell if he's laughing or crying!

Where did he get that good posture?!

That tongue.

That tooth!

That lip.

Cute smile :)

You want me to do what?!

Why are those adults over there doing crazy things to make me smile...I just don't get it.


Buckeyes? Eww. Where's my Razorback gear?!

If I have to wear this, I'll at least look cute doing it.

Old school.

No words needed.

9 months old!

Colts family

His best Heisman pose

Big ole head along with his most serious face.